Dazai x Reader (2/2)|Heart Like Yours

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You were waiting for Dazai to come back from his mission. You were really worried about him, but you knew you couldn't help him or be near with him right now. All you could do is stay at home and wait for him

Breathe deep, breathe clear
Know that I'm here
Know that I'm here

You've never thought,that waiting could be so hard. You tried to watch a film to keep yourself calm and try not to think about Dazai, but it was vainly. You turned off the TV after a couple of minutes because it was starting to annoy you. The house was buried in silence again. "It's true, that silence is violent" You thought.

Stay strong, stay gold
You don't have to fear
You don't have to fear
I'll see you soon
I'll see you soon

About 2 hours have passed after you've heard a knock at your door. Never in your entire life you thought, that you would be so happy just because of a simple knock!Instantly, you stood up from a couch and rushed to the door. Once you opened to you saw Dazai with a happy smile on his face.

"Hi" He said in a hoarse voice

You didn't say anything. Instead of it you pulled him in a tight embrace as if he was going to disappear forever. Your hand was hugging him by his neck while the fingers of your other hand burrowed in his soft dark hair. You buried your face in the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent. Dazai hugged you back by your waist. His nose buried in your hair

How could a heart like yours
Ever love a heart like mine?
How could I live before?
How could I have been so blind?

"Your scent is so sweet" He said and hugged you tighter

"I was worried about you" Hou mumbled in his neck "And I missed you"

Dazai's smile grew wider

"I missed you too" He whispered in your year

You opened up my eyes
You opened up my eyes

Finally, you pulled away

"Come inside. It's called outside" You said

"It has even started to snow" He answered while taking off his coat and shoes

You noticed a cut on his right cheek. It wasn't very big, but it still had to be treated. You went away to bring a firt aid kit

"Where did you go?" Dazai asked

"I have to treat your wound!" You answered "Wait for me in the living room"

Dazai didn't need to be told twice. He went to your living room and sat on the couch. When you came back, you noticed that his cheeks and nose were pink because of the frost. It made him so adorable! You've always thought,that Dazai is a hell of a handsome, but right now he was not just handsome. He was cute and lovely! Who knew, that the great Dazai Osamu could be as cute as a small child?

Sleep sound, sleep tight
Here in my mind
Here in my mind

You sat on a couch, near him and took our from a first aid kit everything you needed. When you were treating his cut,you didn't notice, that Dazai was looking at your face all the time. He considered your whole face. Your eyes, your nose, your lips,etc. He was thinking, how beautiful you are and he could believe, that he was so lucky, that when he confessed you answered "I love you too".

Both of you, still couldn't believe that your feelings were mutual .

Come close, my dear
You don't have to fear
You don't have to fear

You have almost finished. The was only one things left: to stick a plaster.To do this, you leaned very close. Dazai could feel your breath on his skin. After you sticked the plaster,you kissed on his cheek. It was just a slight touch of your lips, but it was so gentle, that Dazai understood all that stuff about butterflies

When you pulled back, you were blushing madly. You looked each other in the eyes

"Well, that's all!" You said

"Thanks! What could I do without you!" He answered

"Was the mission as dangerous as you expected?" You asked

"I wouldn't say so. There were just small...unexpected problems, but everything turned out well in the end" Dazai said

There was an embarrassing tension between you. Yeah, you confessed, but you didn't kiss. Now both,you and Dazai, wanted it, but you weren't sure if you could do this. Finally, Dazai decided to talk about it first

"(Y/N), I'm not sure how to start, but " He began "Back to the point, when I said "I love you" and you answered "I love you too"

Your heart started beating faster

"Was it true? 'Cause I still can't believe in it" He asked

"Of course, it was!" You answered "I've loved you ever since I met you!To be honest, I still can't believe, that you said "I love you"

"We're both idiots, right?" He laughed and leaned a little bit closer to you "People are such amusing creatures! We would rather believe in something disappointing, than things like "I love you too"

"That's a sad true" You said

He leaned even more closer to you than before. Now, your noses were almost touching. You could feel his warmth and hear his heavy breathing. His hand reached your cheek and it scent shivers down your spine.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked quietly

"Yes" You whispered

How could a heart like yours
Ever love a heart like mine?
How could I live before?
How could I have been so blind?

And in an instant, his lips met yours. They were so soft and warm.You felt like something exploded inside of you when he kissed you. It felt so right, that he was kissing you so gently. You melted into the kiss, but so did Dazai.

"If this is heaven, than I want it to last forever" You thought

The kiss was starting to get passionate and you pulled away due to the lack of air. You and Dazai were breathing heavily.

"I never,thought, that you're such a good kisser " He said

"Seems like this is my talent 'cause I've never kissed before" You answered

"Well,now I swear to you, you'll have a lot of opportunities to develop your talent"

You just laughed in reply and pulled him in another kiss

Thanks for reading !
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