Dazai x Reader x Chuuya x Akutagawa | I Can Explain

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Requested by katflores14

Well, this was a very unusual request. It's the first time I see a request with three characters. It's not only the first time I see such request, but also I've never seen any stories with three characters. I'm not sure if I did well so please, write in comments if this turned out at least a little bit interesting☺️

F/N- friend's name


"You did what?!" Your friend asked you loudly and bursted into laugh

She was laughing so loud so that people in the cafe ,you were sitting in, started looking at you two.

"Stop laughing! I'm serious!" You exclaimed

"I can't believe you agreed to go on three different dates!" She continued laughing "Almost at the same time!"

"Not on the same time!" You corrected her "I will go on a date with Dazai on Tuesday, then with Chuuya on Wednesday and then with Akutagawa on Thursday."

"Many girls would envy you!" She said "Imagine! Three different guys fell for you!"

"I wanted to talk to you because I need your advice!" You told her "I don't know what to do."

"Just relax. Everything will be fine as long as each of them doesn't know, that you have two other dates." (F/N) said

"And what if they find out?" You asked

"Then, you're in a big trouble." She replied

"Gosh, I was so stupid." You sighed heavily "But how could a say "no"?"

"Calm down, (Y/N)." (F/N) said "You can always text me in case if something goes wrong."

Instead of replying, you only started drinking your coffee.


Monday 01:23 p.m.

Today was the day of your date with Dazai. He decided to take you to the amusement park. He thought it would be cool to take there because you definitely wouldn't get bored there. Everything was perfect and you were enjoying every second of it. Dazai was so charming and caring. He was truly a gentleman. If he touched you, he was always gentle. You loved the feeling of his hand wrapped either around your shoulders or around your waist. You've already tried lots of different attractions and taken tons of photos, some of which were so stupid, some were cute, but all of them were going to stay in your memory for a long time.

Now you were heading to the chamber of horror.(A/N: is it how it should be called? 'Cause I'm not sure, even though I've used the translator). It was a huge, dark castle with lots of statues of gargoyles on it.

"Aren't you scared to go there?" Dazai asked you

"There's no way I can be scared of such thing!" You exclaimed

"Anyway, if you are scared, I'm always with you!" He told you

His words made you blush a bit.

You and Dazai finally, got inside of the chamber of horror. It was really dark inside. The scary music was playing somewhere in the background. It was actually quite cold there. Maybe it was the air conditioner's fault.

At first, you weren't sacred just like you've said. After a couple of minutes of walking through the castle, you got into a very small corridor, which different pictures on the walls. Those pictures were so strange and bizarre, that it somehow made you feel uncomfortable. You didn't like the atmosphere and especially the music. Because of this uncomfortable atmosphere, you clung on the Dazai's hand.

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