Kunikida x Reader | 10 Reasons Why I Love Her

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Requested by _faithmarchella_

I'm so sorry, it took a forever >.<

Warning: mentions of obsessive compulsive disorder


1. She's like a hurricane

When she first stepped into the Agency and I saw her for the first time, I already could understand, that she will turn my organized life upside down. Our first meeting wasn't very successful. I was stressed and I was arguing with Dazai and when she came to me, I couldn't control my voice and spoke quietly roughly with her. Yes, now I can admit it.

This is why our relationship couldn't be ideal as I wanted them to be. We were bickering a lot. She used to call me 'idiot' a lot and it always made me mad. She was spontaneous and unpredictable. If we were on a mission, she could suddenly drag me to some shop or to the park. I could never predict what she'd do in the next second. She was a mystery for me.

In other words, my life was no longer boring.

2. She is a closed book

What's going on in her thoughts? What is she thinking about? Why does she always need to check if her bathroom door is closed before going out of the house? Or why's her leg shaking, when she's sitting? Why is she lost in thoughts so often?

I've asked her about some things because I was worried, but I still don't know much about her. She's hiding something from me. I can feel it. I don't push her, though. I want her to trust me. After all, she's my subordinate and friend.

3. She cares about me

After we've stopped arguing so much, she was still calling me 'idiot' from time to time, but we've started getting along surprisingly well.

She knows, that I usually get lost in work like she gets lost in thoughts so she often brings me lunch or she reminds me to have a break. If she's not in the Agency or we have a day off, she calls me to ask me wether I'm feeling good and if I need some help, but I can hear through the phone how her voice is close to cracking and how worried she is. Although, she never tells me what's going on.

She worries about me more, than she does about herself. She hardly ever lets me help her. I don't know why and it makes me feel guilty.

4. She's not like other girls

While other girls are mostly focused on fashion and Harry Stiles, (Y/N) is very smart. Her head is not filled with glitter, but with books. She likes reading a lot. She likes learning. That's why we can always have some interesting conversations, which sometimes even turn into philosophical thoughts.

She's also very organized. Her desk is always clean and tidy, unlike Dazai's. Her morning routine starts with checking if everything is in the right place and she often fixes everything during the day. She never forgets anything (because she checks everything for multiple times) and I (!) sometimes tell her not to worry so much about doing something not perfectly.

5. I'm not even angry, when we happen to argue

Usually, we argue during our missions. We have different opinions and it always leads to a small argument, but I was surprised, when I realized, that I have never been mad at her. I'm just a little annoyed, but not mad. I can't help, but to think how cute she looks, when she pouts. I'm always first to stop the argument, by the way. I don't want to make her sad in any way. And I'm always buying her something sweet after the argument.

6. She makes me want to protect her

She looks so fragile sometimes. I can see it, although she tries to hide it. There's something deep inside of her, that is eating her alive. She's afraid. She always seem so nervous. I can see it through her doings. When people are worrying, they have some habits to calm themselves and she has a lot of them.

I've always wanted to protect people, but what shall I do now? Who I shall fight with if the reason of her worrying is not physical? The only way I see is just being near her and that's what I'm always trying to do. If we have some days off, I always make sure, that she doesn't spend them alone. I've even asked her out a couple of times.

7. She's opening to me little by little

When we found out, that we had 5 days off for Christmas, I asked her if she's going to celebrate it with someone. She said 'no' and since I didn't have anyone to celebrate with either and I didn't want her to spend Christmas on her own, I asked her to celebrate it with me.

I can still remember that night. It was just her and me. No one else. We decorated her house and we cooked some delicious food together. When it was almost midnight, we started talking about our lives and she told me a lot of things I didn't know before. I can't look at her the same anymore. I just couldn't imagine, that such a person had experienced such terrible and painful things. I remember, how I hugged her tightly and told her, that everything was gonna be alright and she kissed my cheek.

That night, I kissed her for the first time.

8. She's wasn't so complicated and mysterious as I thought she was, she was just a human like me with her problems and story, but she still looked special in my eyes

She wasn't someone supernatural or mythical. She was just a human. She had her own life story and a string of events, which leaded to her present and what person she was now. Everything seemed so simple, yet complicated at the same time. Perhaps, these were just my feelings, but even after finding out what her life was like, she still was a mystery to me. My mystery. She was my dearly beloved mystery, which I surely will solve one day

9. She loves me for who I am

She doesn't mind if I'm over-protective or boring. She doesn't mind if I'm a perfectionist or a stubborn. She doesn't care if I have failed the mission or not. She's always with me. She's always standing next to me. There are no more arguments or bickering. She accepts every part of me, that exists. She loves me for who I am without wanting anything in return.

I'm so happy to come home every day and be greeted by her arms wrapped around my neck and her nose nuzzling in the crook of my neck and I'm even more happy to have the right to hug her back and kiss her forehead. After all these years we've been together, she's always waiting for me as much as I'm waiting to get home to her.

10. She is who she is

I don't care if she's thin or plump. I don't care if she's moody. I don't care if she wakes me up in the middle of the night because of something. I love her and I don't care about anything. I don't want her to change in any way. Maybe I'm just too in love with her to see some of her flaws, but I don't care. Now, I understand, that I've given her my heart in the first time I looked her in the eyes. And I don't care about the qualities of the ideal woman I've written about earlier because now I understand, that (Y/N) is the ideal woman I needed.

And she will also be an ideal wife.

No matter what happens, I'll always kiss her forehead, when I come home, I'll always finish her reports if I see, that she's tired or her worrying has come again, I'll watch Star Wars with her till midnight and I'll stroke her hair, when she'll cry because of Han Solo's death. I'll do this and much more for her because I love her to the moon and starts and her love is the only thing, that matters to me now


Uwah >.< seems like Kunikida is OOC here

Oh and btw, I've just noticed how many chapters I've already published😱 I just can't help myself. I love writing

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