we're all fucked up

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Well, this is not a one shot. This is just something I want to tell someone, but I have no one who I can talk with about it so I've decided to tell you about it.

You know those assholes who push people to theit limits by telling them, that they are not good enough, not beautiful enough, not talented enough and etc. Everybody knows what kind of people I'm talking about. I hate them. It's awful to make people feel so bad, that they are ready to commit suicide.

But there are people whom I hate evem more. I'm not sure if you can meet such people which I'm going to describe in your country and your city, but I see a lot of them every day. You know, I call them "fake suciders". Those people, who tell everybody that they want to commit suicide every damn minute. The thing is that they don't want to commit suicide, but they just want a lot of attention so they start complaining how hard their lives are, how lonely they are, how everybody hates them and etc. THEY ARE FUCKING LYING. None of these things are true, they are very popular, they always have so many people around them, but they still want more. Because of that, they start telling everyone that they'll commit suicide and of course people start comforting them and trying to change their minds and those people are in the center of everybody's attention. They become even more popular, than they already had just by telling these lies.

That's awful. You know what happens to people who really think about suicide? When they've reached their limits, some of them decide to tell people about their thoughts so they can get help and maybe be stopped from doing what they want. The problem is that because of those "fake suiciders" society decides, that they are one of them and it only starts barking at them saying things like "You're lying. You only want everybody to focus on you." Instead of help, society only makes them feel even worse.

This is why I disgust the so called "fake suiciders" so much. Because of their stupid wish of becoming the most popular person in school, other people who really need help suffer as if they were in hell. That pisses me off so much 'cause because of such stupidity people don't notice those who really want to die, but they help liers, of course it's more important. (Sarcasm).

I just had to tell you about it 'cause there are so many such people in my school, and in my class. I just hate liers and lies itselves very much. I'm not sure if you understood what I've written about 'cause my thoughts are such a mess

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