Spring Break games, part 2

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This time when we went to the park, we were with Zane and RJ. We got to ride the rides with a minor argument, which was nice. The not pleasant thing was the fact someone opened fire in a theme park. Who in their right mind shoots up the happiest place on earth? Oh, that's right, the idiot family, my family has been dealing with through the years.

The four of us ended up behind a ride as Zane said, "Are they that fucking stupid?"

"You have no idea, and the answer is yes. Yes, they are," I said.

"We need to find a way out of here and fast," RJ said.

"Got any ideas?" Zane asked.

"The haunted mansion," Mel said. The three of us looked at her, and I grabbed her face, giving her a big ole kiss.

"Well, at least someone is using their brain," I said. With that, we darted and ran for the haunted mansion.

Once inside, we ended up meeting up with JJ and the Hellions. They got separated from their significant others.

"Took you long enough," Austin said.

"Sorry, we were busy getting shot at," I said.

"Anyone knows who is doing the shooting?" Nik asked.

"Well, if we knew that, we would kick their ass now, wouldn't we?" JJ said to him. "I swear sometimes you and Austin share the same brain."

"Knock it off, you two. We don't have time for this petty bullshit," RJ said.

I had to agree with the big lug. We didn't have time for this. Now we had to figure out how to get out of this place while trying not to get our asses shot. Then we heard gunfire, and someone yells, "You hoo! Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

"Is that Melvin?" Mack whispered.

"Who the fuck else would be this dumb to come after us?" I asked her.

"We want to talk, well talk and kill you," another voice yelled.

"Are you fucking kidding me? How did Mitchell get loose?" JJ whispered.

"Either come out freely, or we're coming in and drag your useless asses out of there!" Another yelled.

"Well, that's great. Nice of Micha to join the party," Zane said.

"Okay, so we know at least three of them, but there is probably more," RJ said.

"Oh, Nikolaus, come on out so we can talk. I know Mike would have wanted it," a fourth voice said. That cause Nik to lose his shit, and we had to stop him from doing something stupid.

"Don't. Those assholes are trying to wind you up," I said.

"Liam, we need to do something," Mel said to me as we heard pounding at the door.

RJ looked at us. "Let's unleash hell on earth."

The five of us looked at each other and smiled as Zane asked, "What's that?"

"It's what we like to call a little payback," I said.

A few minutes later, as they stood out there waiting for us, the door flew open, and the six of us stepped outside. They looked at us as we looked at them.

"I see you joined us," said Maddox.

"In more ways that one," said RJ.

"Too bad you're outnumbered," he said as others stepped out in view, surrounding us.

"You think you outnumber us. Think again. Get them, boys," Mack said. With that, we went to work, taking them on.

We unleashed hell on earth on them and gave them a beat down. As we went to town on them, the others showed up taking them on.

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