Ghost x Toast

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The brunette man groaned in utter disgust while he stepped out of the van, feeling the afternoon sun finally setting down.

It was a hot summer day, and Ghost and his partner had a very long case inside an extremely humid and dusty haunted building. He was relieved to finally return home, where they had functioning air conditioning.

Johnny Toast followed him into their home, both equally anxious to quickly turn the ac on.

Jogging over to the wall thermostat, the brunette immediately lowered the temperature and turned on the air conditioning.

"Ah there we go, hopefully it'll cool down soon." Turning around, Ghost's eyes widened once he gazed over his partner.

Toast began to undress, removing his vest and his shirt, pulling it over his head. His chest revealed, his abs in view along with his light chest hair.

Ghosts face was even more red now, completely flustered.

After placing his sweaty shirt on the couch, Toast took notice of his friends expression, smiling awkwardly and letting out a small chuckle, "Heh, sorry sir! It's just so hot in here..."

Ghost could only let out stutters.

"I-It's fine, u-um, y-yeah, it might take a while for it to get cold in here..."

The brit let nodded in agreement, his eyes lingering onto the younger male, and realizing that he still had his gray hoodie on.

"Sir, perhaps you should take off your hoodie, aren't you hot?"

"O-Oh, um, i-it's fine, I'm okay." Ghost smiled shyly.

Toast tilted his head, shifting closer to the smaller male, his eyes locking onto his body. Ghost looked up at him, seeing his blue crystal eyes analyzing him.

"Come on sir... You must be dying with that on! Here,"

And without any hesitation, Toast reached down to take a hold of Ghost's hoodie, slowly pulling it off.

At this point, the younger male's heart was racing at how close his friend was, and how he was undressing him so carefully.

Soon, the hood was off, and thrown to the side, reveling Ghosts more fragile and skinny figure.

"There you go! Now you're less likely to get a heat stroke! Feel better?"

"Y-Yeah," Ghost just mumbled out, his mind in other places, lost in a trance of how Toasts half bare body was so close to him.

The taller man smiled slightly, causing Ghost's heart to accelerate.

Ghost expected that they would separate soon, but instead, Toast just continued to stare, eyes still locked onto him. Soon, the smaller male found his back to be pressed up against a wall.

"You know... You're really cute sir~"

Those words made his head spin, and his face to burn even more, as he looked up at a nervous Toast, who's face was also tinted with blush.

The brunette stammered, "W-What..?"

He saw Toast's expression change as he apologized, "O-Oh um, S-Sorry, I think this heat has gone to my head..."

"N-No, Johnny I-I... Thank you... I think you're quite attractive too..."

Sparks in Toast's eyes lit up while a little smile formed on his lips.

Arms carefully pinned Ghost against the wall, as lips softly crashed onto his, forming a passionate kiss, forming an addictive heat.

They separated not long after, looking into each other's eyes and smiling.

"So, wanna take a cold shower together?~"


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