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Cywren and Timebomb were on their way home after a long day of fighting when they came across the small trading post.

Seeing that they had nuka cola, Cywren took interest as she walked over to one of the trading tables, leaving Timebomb alone with Quasar in the crowded space.

As they stood by and waited for Cywren to finish her deal, Timebombs eyes lingered to one of the tables filled with items for sale, seeing one item in particular sparking his interest.

It was a small stack of undamaged clean paper.

Standing beside the table, he took the paper in his hands, before the store teller spoke up.

"You interested in purchasing?"

Shyly, he nodded his head, "Uh, y-yes..?"

The man gave him a blank look, eyeing the paper Timebomb was holding, "You can have that pile of paper for free if you wish, not many want to purchase such an item..."

"T-Thank you." Timebomb politely thanked the man as he took the paper and placed it in his inventory.

Walking over to Cywren, she gave him a confused expression, raising an eyebrow, "You bought something?"

"Y-Yeah, you know, just some ammo..."


It was around midnight when Cywren had woken up from her nap. Slowly sitting up, she looked around the motel room, finding Veronica curled up with Davey, who was fast asleep on her shoulder. Timebomb wasn't in the room.

Veronica gave her a small smile, "Hey, you have a good sleep..?"

"Y-Yeah," She rubbed her eyes, yawning a bit, "Um, where's Timebomb..?"

"You're boyfriend is on the roof, he said something about getting fresh air..."

"T-Thanks..." Cywren said, standing out of bed, grabbing a sweatshirt and throwing it on, before walking out the door.

Stepping outside, she let out a sigh, seeing her breath swirling around in the crisp air.

It was a beautiful night. The sky lit up with a million stars, with but one single cloud covering any of them.

She shivered, before stepping up onto the railing, pushing herself up onto the cold metal roof of the motel.

Once she was on her feet, she could see the entire rooftop, her eyes locking onto her partner, his feet dangling from the side of the building as he sat down and looked into the distance.

As she took a step closer, his head turned as he looked up at her, his eyes wide and his skin flushed pink from the cold.

"Oh, hey Cy... W-What are you doing out here..?"

She shrugged as she took a seat beside him, bringing her legs to her chest as she rested her head on her knees, "I was gonna ask you that..."

"I was just... Looking at the stars..." He mumbled quietly as he looked up at the sky.

It was than the Cywren noticed the crumbled up piece of paper beside Timebomb, along with an old worn down looking pencil.

Grabbing it, she un-crumbled the paper, and looked at what was draw on it.

Her eyes widened at the well drawn landscape drawn onto the paper, and how it almost matched the view in front of her from the roof.

"T-Timebomb, did you draw this?"

"Hmm?" He hummed as he looked back over at her, seeing her holding the paper in her hands, her eyes filled with wonder. He blushed faintly, "O-Oh, yeah... I was just doodling..."

"Doodling? Timebomb, this is drawn perfectly! You have a talent!"

Flustered, he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "Ha ha, I wouldn't call it a talent... Just something I like to do to in my spare time..."

"Well, you're really good at drawing... Whether you believe it or not." She shifted closer to him, "How long have you been drawing?"

He shrugged, shivering as she felt the warmth of her body against his cold skin.

"Whenever I could find paper... It is difficult to find... But I used to draw a lot in big town. Red had a lot of paper."

Cywren smiled at him, leaning her head against his shoulder, "You could have told me... If you want, I can get you some more paper..."

His body went tense for a moment, not sure what he should do. Eventually, he let his head rest on hers, looking out into the distance.

"Well... Nothing I draw will even come close to being as beautiful as you..."

Her heart suddenly flipped in her chest and she felt her face immediately warm up.

She looked up at him, looking into those warm brown eyes. He looked back at her sheepishly, with an adorable shy smile, his face flushed red.

They both leaned closer, Timebombs warm hand cupping the side of her face as he looked into her eyes, looking into them with full admiration. She let her eyes slowly shut, and felt her lips lock onto his, warmth immediately traveling throughout their bodies.


Cywren wants Timebomb to draw her like one of his French girls.

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