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Trigger warning and all that...

Sanding at the dock, Asylum took in a breath, tasting the salt on his tongue and smelling the ocean breeze.

It was just before the sun was about to rise. He had made sure to leave the house quickly and quietly so that he did not wake the others.

He wanted to see the sunrise...

Stepping onto his boat, he took one final glance down at the shore line, seeing nothing but sand and sea shells as they got pushed away by the tide.

The beach was calming. He enjoyed the sounds of water rushing in and seagulls in the distance. He was glad he was able to live along the sea side within his life.

Further into his boat, he made his way into the main captains room, where he found what he was looking for.

Heavy gold hourglasses and coins filled his pockets. They were just the weights he needed.

Now was his finial step.

Walking over to the side of his boat, he looked down, seeing the tide pull in faster, and the rapid water rushing in. 

This was it.

Standing on the ledge, he gazed up into the sky, tears now blurring his vision as he looked up into the sunrise. The beautiful orange glow casted over the sea, and raised below the clouds.

He was glad the ocean sunrise was the last thing he'll ever see.

Everything was done.

Feeling the air blow against his face, he let his body lean forward, and fall off the boat and into the ocean.

With a hard splash, the pirate hit the cold icy morning salt water. Now sinking, he made no attempt to pull himself back to the surface.

He let himself drown, bubbles surrounding him as air left his lungs.

The golden liquid consumed him, and soon, there was nothing but black.



There was air, and he could breathe.

The hard pressure on his chest was suddenly released, and the heavy weights were gone, as he laid in the sand, his body cold and damp.

Muffled shouts from the blurry shadow above him caught his attention, and he was able to move his body so that he was sitting upward.

He came face to face with Sari, who had tears in her eyes as her body shook.

"A-Asylum... Asylum, what where you thinking?!" Her quivering voice breathed out, grabbing his shoulders as she looked at him with sad eyes.

He couldn't bring himself to speak, his heart aching in his chest as his throat grew sore. Tears pooled in his eyes yet again.

A long moment of silence passed, as Sari and Asylum sat in the sand, holding each other close and crying it all out.

"I feel broken..." Asylum brought himself to explain, "I feel... nothing... like I'm not myself, and I don't have any real purpose or meaning... so much has changed, I've changed... I just don't feel the same anymore..."

Choking up, Asylum let out silent tears, his face warm now. "Nothing is like it was, nothing feels the same. I just want things to go back to the way they were!"

Sari bit the inside of her mouth, unsure what to say. All she could do was hold him and reassure him the best she could.

Sari mumbled, pressing his head on hers. "I know... I know..."


Hey y'all don't worry about me this is just how I picture asylum and how he feels rn

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