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Sitting at his desk, Jordan watched his beautiful girlfriend on the screen of his laptop, listening to her talk about her day.

They had been dating for a while now, probably over a year, and things seemed to be going wonderfully.

Jordan became lost in thought, just hypnotized buy her dorky personality and adorable behavior.

"Jordan? Jordan are you even listening?!"

Jordan was snapped out of his trance, returning on focusing on what she was doing.

"Of course! Obviously, don't be a butt head!"

"Sorry," Jessica rolled her eyes as she mumbled, "It just seemed like you weren't listening."

"I have been listening! We've been talking non stop everyday day! I've learned how to tolerate you." The brunette male joked, chuckling at his own joke.

Jessica wasn't laughing. She just waited for him to look at her. When he did, his smile turned into a frown, and he tilted his head in confusion.

"What's wrong Texas?"

Jessica snarled, "Shut up..."

"Naw, make me parter!"

Again, no reaction from her, just a blank expression.

Jordan now realized that Jessica wasn't playing along, and decided to die down his silliness.

"Jessie, what's wrong..?"

From the other side of the screen, he watched the girl sigh and look down at her floor.

"Jordan, why can't we just get along..?"

Jordan looked at her, confused, "What do you mean? We get along fine!"

"But not as a... couple..! You just treat me like I'm your dumb friend! Why can't we just act like normal couples! All these insults are starting to hurt..."

The older male felt a twitch of pain in his heart, as the reality settled into his brain, his eyes widened as his mouth hung open.

"I-I'm sorry Jess... That's just how I am... I didn't mean to hurt you..."

"Even when we met up, we didn't even do anything romantic... it was just us acting like children! We didn't even..."

Jordan sighed, "I can't change who I am though! That just how I am..."

"Well I can't stand it anymore! I don't wanna date a child anymore..."

Jordan felt the blood rush out of his face, and his chest sinking in heavily.

"... fine..."



venturiantale oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora