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Stepping into his bedroom, Jordan practically collapsed into his bed, exhausted as he curled up into a ball, barley able to keep his eyes open.

Before he could he could fall asleep, he wanted to check the latest video, making sure it was up and to read over some of the comments.

While he was scrolling, a sudden the sound of a notification made him jump.

Jordan wasn't expecting a text from his friend Jessica this late at night.

Opening the text, his eyes widened when he silently read it.

"Please call me when you can..."

He didn't even hesitate to press the call button on his phone, immediately bringing it to his ear.

The phone rang for a moment, until a soft shaky voice called out, "H-Hello..."

"Jessica? Are you alright? What happened?"

The sound of a quiet sob made him gasp, growing more worried.

"Jess..? Are you crying..?"

"I'm sorry..." Her voice mumbled out as she sniffed, "I just... I can't explain it... I just feel really alone..."

"Ssshh, it's okay Jessie..." He softly whispered, wishing he could be right there beside her right now, so he could hold her and make her feel less lonely.

Be he knew he couldn't. He had to come up with something else.

"Jess, could you do something for me..?" He heard a soft hum on the other side of the line. "Look out your window and look up at the sky..."

He heard faint shuffling for a moment as he held the phone to his ear, walking up to his window. He looked up at the full moon in the sky.

"Where is this going..?" Jessica asked, sniffling again.

"You see the full moon?"


"Right now, at the very same moment, we are looking at the same exact moon... You are never alone Jess... Although we are miles apart, I'll always be with you..."

There was silence for a moment, before a small giggle was heard, "You're such a dork..."

"Hey! I'm trying my best... I thought I sounded really sentimental..."

"You were..." Jessica yawned, before muttering in a soft voice, Jordan almost missed it.

"I love you..."

Jordan froze, his heart skipping a beat at those words.

As he opened his mouth to answer back, he heard quiet soft snores, indicating that she was asleep.

"I love you too Jess... Sleep well..."


I just

I want someone to look up at the stars with...

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