Cybomb (song fic)

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When I see your smile
Tears run down my face
I can't replace

From a distance, Timebomb watched as the red head girl ran around the wasteland, her short hair flowing in the air as she led the way.

It was obvious that he had a huge crush on her. They were so close, and they were good friends, but he had developed deeper feelings towards her. He just adored her, and would protect her no matter what. She had saved his life, and he was determined to save hers.

Cywren walked toward an old broken down building, prepared to loot what was left of it. But before they could enter the building, a group of super mutants came charging at them from out of nowhere.

He glanced over at Cywren, who grabbed her gun, before looking back him. She game him a quick smile, before running after the mutants.

Now that I'm strong I have figured out
How this world turns cold
And it breaks through my soul and I know
I'll find deep inside me
I can be the one

Timebomb charged at one of the super mutants, pointing his gun and firing at them. He went down, and Timebomb re-loaded his gun, aiming at the next one.

He spotted Cywren fighting off a group, and how she was struggling to fight them off, backing away so she could get away from their aim on her. One of the mutants got too close to her and managed to hit her with his club, sending her to fall to the ground.

Timebomb did not like that.

Running toward her, he managed to step in front of her protectively before the mutant could swing at her again. Timebomb growled, shooting his gun at it and watching as it feel dead on the ground. He kicked the body, making sure it was dead.

"Nobody hurts Cywren..."

Timebomb muttered to himself, before turning around, placing all of his attention on Cywren. He reached out his hand for her to grab, "Are you okay?"

The girl nodded slowly, taking his hand, and letting him help her up on her feet again. She opened her mouth to say something, but she stopped, her eyes widening as she screamed.

"Timebomb look out!"

Before he could turn around, the sound of a gun going off startled them, and bullet went into Timebomb's side.

All he could remember after that was the horrified look on her face as he fell, and the blood beginning to pool out of him, before it all went to black.

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

"Please wake up, please... Don't leave me... Not you too..."

Those where the first words he heard as he slowly began to wake up. His eyes fluttered open but his vision remained blurry for a moment, only seeing a mix of gray and red colors.

He softly groaned in pain as a sudden pain began to pierce in his side. He winced in pain, and heard a small gasp come from his side.

"Oh thank goodness..." He heard Cywren cry as he was suddenly embraced, causing some pain, but he didn't care, as he felt Cywren sob into her shoulder. He sat up slightly, trying to hug her back as much as he could without it being too painful.

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