Chapter 9: Counterattack

Start from the beginning

Ahsoka and Darrel looked at Anakin in confused.

"Alright, Snips, I need you and Darrel to lead the group. Keep following the tunnel. I'll catch up." Anakin said as he walked the other way.

"Understood." Darrel replied.

"Where are you going?" Ahsoka asked her master.

"Obi-Wan's not here, so someone has to protect our flank." Anakin replied as he walked away.

"I guess it's a good thing I came along after all." Ahsoka said.

Later Ahsoka and Darrel lead Tarkin, and the rest of the clones to the pipeline exit, but Tarkin was having doubts about the padawans.

"I am concerned that the Jedi have elected these...children to lead the group." Tarkin complained.

"I've served with her many times, and I trust her, Captain."
Rex said. "And her friend is a gifted Jedi from what General Kenobi tells me."

The group kept walking in the tunnel until they were halted by a dead end.

"Uh-oh." Ahsoka said.

"Dead end." Rex said.

"What do we do now?" Darrel asked.

Arc Trooper Fives heard footsteps nearby, he went to the corner and peaked his head out, it was two Super Battle Droids. The droids started shooting.

"Look out!" Fives yelled.

Ahsoka and Darrel ignited their lightsaber and started deflecting the incoming blots, while Rex and Fives started shooting at the droids. Then, Anakin came up behind the droids and cut them down. Anakin stepped back towards the group as sereval Commando Droids came towards them.

"What happened? Why didn't you blow the wall?" Anakin asked. "That part of the plan was your job."

The Commandos started firing at Anakin and Darrel. Ahsoka took grenades from Rex's backpack and started planting them on the wall.

"I thought it was a dead end!" Ahsoka yelled.

"Master Plo really assigned you to this mission, he would have briefed you on the plan." Anakin said.

Ahsoka ran past Tarkin and attached the grenades to the wall, then she came back to Anakin's side roled two grenades under the droids and they exploded as well as the wall. After the dust from the explosion cleared up, the group walked through the destroyed wall to continue walking to the pipeline exit.

Meanwhile, Obi-Wan's group was in the ventilation shaft, they had a good view of the escape shuttle, but R2 or his droids wasn't at the shuttle.

"The shuttle's there, but there's no sign of Artoo." Cody said.

"Something might have happened. We'll have to make our way around to the other side and get a different view."
Obi-Wan said.

Obi-Wan found an exit to the ventilation shaft, then he used to force to push it open. He took a grappling cable from his belt and locked the cable down below, the group went down to the bottom with the cable. Then, for a moment they stopped. Obi-Wan stopped and clicked on his comlink to contact Anakin.

"Anakin, please acknowledge." Obi-Wan said.

There was no response, but someone started talking. It wasn't Anakin though.

"I must commend you for your escape tactics, but in the end, it was easy to predict your every move" The Voice said.

It was Osbeck. Then droids surrounded Obi-Wan's group, and two auto turrets popped out behind Obi-Wan and Piell. Obi-Wan's group didn't bother attacking, the droids and Osbeck won, at least for now.

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