I took a closer look at her. The way she moved, the way she spoke; her voice sounded so familiar. She had a strange hair style and color. She looked young, yet her hair was a light grey. It was pulled into a bun on the back of her head, with a few braids leading to the center of the bun. One long strand of hair fell out onto her right side. She folded her hands on the teacher's podium she stood in front of, sighing.

"Well, I think it's about to start class today, hm?" She asked the class, pursing her lips.

"What's your name?" Saria asked, her green hair flipping alongside her head as she searched for a lab we had started in class the other day.

"My name?" The substitute smirked, turning her head to me, fixing her gaze on my eyes.

Don't say it, don't say it! I thought to myself. Please, don't say it!

"Miss Impa."

Link slapped his hand against his face, and Midna's head fell onto the table, a loud bang emitting through the room. Agitha placed her arms on the table, burying her head in them. I simply stared at the woman, closely resembling the Impa we knew back when we found out we were reincarnations of previous heroes.

Impa shrugged. "What's the matter, kids?"

I slowly shook my head. "Nothing at all, miss."

Impa bit her bottom lip. "Hm," she responded, turning to the chalk board behind her. She began to write up today's lesson.

I zoned out for the rest of the class.

Why is Impa here? How did she get here? Is she the Impa from the past? Is she an incarnation of the past Impa? Is she friend or foe?

My mind was drowning in my own thoughts. Midna, Agitha, Link and I all lost our powers after returning home. The emblem of the triforce disappeared from Link's left hand and my right hand. None of us were able to change back into our previous hero clothes. I couldn't even summon the last crystal I owned.

Nayru's crystal, Nayru's Love.

I shuddered. The thought of losing my powers hurt, for I believed I could use them for good. Midna always wanted to use her powers to protect others, but now that they were gone, she couldn't even do just that.

And as quick as it began, class ended.

"Alright, class! You are dismissed for lunch."

Students throughout the classroom sighed in relief, jumping up from their seats with their lunches in hand. Most walked out of the room in groups, already deep in conversation.

"You four," Impa said, "stay after class. We need to talk."

The remaining students covered their mouths. "Ooooo," they joked, "you guys are in trouble!"

"Get out!" Midna threatened, holding up her fist.

The students shut up immediately, bolting out of the door.

I stared at Link, completely horrified. I stood on my toes, reaching up to his ear.

"Everything has to be over, right?" I whispered. My heart pounded in my chest. I felt sick, and I just wanted this war to be over, and for evil to have been defeated. "I can't deal with this all over again, Link!"

Link took my wrist, smiling softly. "Don't worry," he whispered back. "Everything will be just fine."

"But why did she show up here all of a sudden?" I asked, when Impa walked over to our table.

"It'll be okay, just take my hand," Link said quietly, moving his hand from my wrist to my open palm. He intertwined his fingers with mine, looking up at Impa as she walked over. He looked away from me because of the red color suddenly appearing on his face.

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