Chapter 22

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Siya's POV

I couldn't believe it. I had done it.

I had defied my parent's decision for the first time in my life out in the open, and it felt like the best thing I had done so far in life.

After I had walked away no one had come for me. I had returned to my room to spend some time with Jai, celebrating the fact that we had broken up my engagement and then the night was over.

Today was another day, and despite having played the heroic role last night, today I was still afraid of what was to come.

I woke up bright and early, getting myself ready for work before skipping down the stairs ready to listen to the temper tantrums my parents were about to give me.

What caught my eye, however, was that there were absolutely no temper tantrums. My parents and brothers sat casually in the living room with their cups of tea's and newspapers, minding their own business as I entered the room. Even as I did enter, no one made a sound, they simply continued with what they all had busied themselves in, ignoring my presence completely.

What the hell?

Why weren't my parents yelling at me? Pacing the room? Screaming and shouting at each other? What was going on?

My eyes connected with Vikram's in hopes for answers, but he just shrugged with the same amount of confusion as I.

To ask or not to ask, that was the question.

Deciding not to dive into trouble, I began with a casual introduction.

"Good morning everyone" I commented, walking over to the table with my cup of tea.

"Good morning Siya. I hope you've taken your days off at the precinct for the week" my mother replied, bringing me back to confusion once again.

Why was I supposed to take the week off? It's not like I was getting married anymore...right?

"Well I don't suppose you're going to work the day of your wedding are you?" my mother replied, nonchalant as ever, her eyes still focusing on the newspaper below her.

The day of my wedding? What was she talking about? I cancelled my wedding?! Was it all a dream? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER?

"What are you talking about mum? The wedding is cancelled" I stated, my voice shaky with fear.

"For you it might be darling. Not for the Sharma's and certainly not for us" she spat back, taking me utterly by surprise. My eyes widened and instantly met my brother, Ajay's, but his eyes were as wide as mine with shock. "Siya, after everything you've done to sabotage your other proposals do you really think I was going to let you ruin this for all of us?" my mother asked, cruelty written all over her face as her eyes focused on mine for the first time in the day.

My mouth hung open, yet nothing came out. What the hell was going on? What was she talking about?

"Mum, I don't understand, I remember clearly-"

"We told the Sharma's a lie that they believed and they all happily returned to the hotel. We apologized and assured that the engagement would take place next week, that you just needed time to cool off. You know what your problem is Siya? You just don't want to accept that you're parents want the best for-"

"BULLSHIT!" I interrupted, not even bothering to care about my tone and language.

I've had it. This was not happening anymore. I have sat her my entire life and been bossed about which school to go to, what friends to make, not to talk to boys, not to go out partying, not to drink, but this was it. I've had it, and today was the day that I broke my record of rebelness and made sure my parents understood that neither was I two years old, and neither was I their toy. I was myself, and I intended on guiding my own life the way I wanted it.

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