Chapter 5

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Siya's POV

"Mum, how long did you say we were gonna be away?" i questioned my mother for the millionth time, dropping a few more items in my suitcase.

We were officially leaving for Greece in an hour, and I had yet to pack all my bags. Clearly I was really motivated to go on this holiday.

"Siya, for the last time, we'll be gone for two weeks, now can you please hurry up? We have to leave for the airport in an hour and you have yet to get ready, pack your bags and pick up your friend from her house. Now hurry up!" My mother yelled from my door, watching me lazily nod my head at her as I placed yet another pringle in my mouth and sang along to the music blasting through my speakers with a filled mouth. My mother sighed from the door, walking slowly inside my room until she arrived me. Very slowly, she bent down, picking up my phone and switching off my music, causing my eyes to wide I complained with a mouthful.

"Why did you turn it off?" I groaned, plopping down on my bed.

"Siya I know you don't want to go on this holiday, but trust me, once we get there, you will appreciate it. We all need this holiday, but you need it more than us. You have been working very hard in training and I know you don't appreciate the fact that we invite families into this house for you, bit you are the only daughter we have, and as parents it is our job to make sure you get married happily." She finished off, joining me on the bed.

"Mum, I understand that you want me to be happily married and all, but of you want me to be happy with the person I marry, then why not let me choose him? Why not let me pick out my man myself?" I questioned, trying my luck to change my life.

"I didn't know your father when I married him Siya, but I'm happy now. I know you think tbat there is no value in arranged marriages, but I know the value in it, and once you marry someone, you'll learn the value of it too. There isn't anything your father hasn't ever given me or allowed me to do. I'm not a housewife, forced to give birth to children every hear Siya, I'm working, I have three wonderful children and I simply want to pass on the same to you. Now stop complaining and stop trying to get yourself out of this holiday, no matter what you attempt, we are all getting on that flight to Greece."She concluded, striding out of my room.

Taking a deep breath, I digested my mum's words. There truly was no way out of this.

Welll then, might aswell start packing properly.


"Mum, relax, the flight leaves in 3 hours, we aren't late" Ajay commented as we stepped out of the vehicle at Gatwick airport, speeding down the lanes to get to the gate.

"I know Ajay bit we are supposed to be there earlier." My mum panted, dragging her suitcase behind her.

I laughed at the scene, carrying my own suitcase comfortably and walking casually.

"I don't understand, why couldn't we just take dad's jet instead of going on an ordinary airplane? Things would have been so much easier" Vikram interrupted, catching up with everyone else.

Now I know that sounds rather snobbish, but I swear it wasn't, we were just used flying on dad's jet. Let's just say my father faced a lot of success in his career when he began his business.

"Vikram, you know we just wanted to have a normal vacation for once, we didn't want to do everything the easy way" my father spoke up from behind.

Soon enough, we approached our gate, watching the worker casually sort out papers behind the desk.

"Hi, we are on the flight to Greece." My mother said to her as we approached.

Glancing at us, she released a chuckle, standing up from the chair.

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