Chapter 13

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Siya's POV

"Siya, you know I can tell that something is wrong. What is it? Why are you suddenly so quiet?" Romil asked from beside me.

Quickly, I faced him, shaking my head.

"Nothing, I'm just a little tired that's all" I responded, taking my gaze back out the window.

After everything that had happened last night with Jai, I didn't want to spoil everything between me and Romil until I knew what he was saying was true, if it was true in the first place. Till then, I wouldn't let Jai win; I wouldn't let him get to me so easily. He was, afterall, a liar himself.

Romil had called me up the other day too, declaring that he was taking me out on another date, and of course my parents had no problem at all with this.

So here I was, sitting in the car of a man who could most probably be someone terrible.

The envelope Jai had given me was still in my room, but I had somehow managed to memorise the name of every person on the list. One of them being Zara Malhotra.

Could it be true? Perhaps I could ask her?

It wasn't until I heard my name being called that I was pulled out of my train of thought.

"Siya, okay seriously what is going on with you? You have never been this silent, I'm worried about you" Romil commented once more, pulling up outside his house.

"Nothing, I'm sorry, I'm completely alright, I've just had a really long day that's all" I casually responded, getting out the car and walking the steps up to his house, waiting for him to unlock the door.

He gave me a curious look, one that said 'I don't believe you but we'll talk about it later' but he opened the door anyways, leading me inside gently.

I slowly made my way towards his living room, plopping down on his couch.

"Want something to drink?" he questioned, to which I shook my head, plastering a fake smile on my face to avoid his questions.

It wasn't long before he made his own way towards the couch, making himself comfortable next to me, his arms wrapping around my frame. Once again the warmth from his body spread through me, and I found myself leaning in to join my lips to the man whose face was inches away from mine. I didn't neglect his mouth as it dropped in mine, instead, I embraced it, placing my hands around his neck and pulling him closer. His hands found their way to my waist, hoisting me up onto his lap so that I was straddling him. But I didn't stop. I didn't stop kissing him. I opened up my mouth for him to explore and explored back with certain hunger that was consuming me. Something I had never experienced before.

All at once, it hit me.

Zara Malhotra

Zoraine Lowen

Laura Chang

Iris Mclaine.

They were just a few names on the list, but they were enough to have me pulling back from the extreme make out session I was sharing with Romil. My breath came out in pants as I did so, taking a second to regain my breath before I slipped off Romil's lap and off the sofa, walking towards the window to distract myself.

What was happening to me? Why was I even considering the possibility that what Jai was saying could be true. I mean, it couldn't be true could it? Romil had been nothing but kind with me the entire time, he was nothing but a gentleman, it just couldn't be true.

I wasn't going to accept that it was true.

"Hey, you alright?" his voice came, making me turn around to see that he had already approached me by the window. Slowly, I nodded, plastering yet another fake smile on my face.

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