Chapter 12

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Siya's POV

Do you ever get that feeling when you're with someone and you just never want to leave them? That feeling where your insides shiver at every word another person is saying? That feeling where all you wanna do is grab the persons face and kiss them?

Well, I was feeling it right about now.

And so that is exactly what I planned on doing.

My eyes landed on Romil's lips, as his did on mine as we slowly leaned into each other at a slow pace before my eyes fluttered closed and the feeling of his lips embraced mine.

If felt as if fireworks had suddenly gone off as sparks exploded within me, his magical passion driving me to places I had never thought was possible. In no time I found my arms working automatically as they wrapped themselves around his neck, pulling him closer than we already were. His arms gripped my waist tightly, sticking me to him completely.

This was by far the most blissful feeling I had ever experienced in my life, with one of the most amazing people I had ever met.

Jai Malhotra.

Just kidding! You wish it were Jai.

Romil Desai.

Maybe everything did happen for a reason, and maybe my date with Jai Malhotra failed on purpose to bring me to Romil, who knows?

Romil and I parted, our heads leaning against one another's as we looked into each other's eyes. For the next minute I found nothing but pure and utter compassion and honesty in his eyes, causing the knot in my stomach to tighten up.

It seemed unbelievable. This is everything I had asked for. A man with who I could be myself and at the same time I wouldn't have to hide with from the danger of my parents, and Romil had all the qualities within him. Not only was I free to go on dates with Romil without having my family prohibit me too, but I had found a man whose morals, charm and generosity were enough to sweep me off my feet into wonderland.

I couldn't disagree, it was, in fact, all too good to be true, but maybe after everything I had been through in my life this good was all I needed, and there was no way I was going to let it go.

For the speck of a moment, Jai's previous words about Romil and his ways had crossed my mind for just a second, but there was no way I was going to let that stop me from whatever I was doing with Romil.

"I've been waiting to do that a long time you know?" he whispered to me, causing me to chuckle as I moved away from his embrace.

"No one stopped you from doing it before, you could have done it" I responded, smirking up at him.

"Well, technically, before I did think that I had...competition in the matter and so I wasn't sure what to do" he replied, walking up to me and circling his arms around my waist. The very reminder in his words dropped my mood instantly.

How was it that every time I finally thought I found my escape the mention of his name would come haunting me in my ears?

Clearly Romil noticed this as in the next minute his face relaxed more as he pulled me in closer.

"Ok, I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"That's ok, but we seriously have to keep bringing up Jai into our conversations. I told you, Jai was nothing to me, he is nothing to me, and I really just want to forget him but I can't do that if he keeps showing up in every one of my conversations with anybody" I commented, slightly disappointed.

"I understand that, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring him up to make you feel uncomfortable, I just... it just came out in the moment. It won't happen again" he assured me, pecking the tip of my nose before leading me to his car to take me home.

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