Chapter 9

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Siya's POV

Romil Desai.

The only name on my mind since the day I arrived Greece.

He was different. Honest, kind. Pretty much every girl's dream guy.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe in the idea of 'the one' but I had to admit, Romil had every quality that a potential 'one' would possess.

He was a man filled with intelligence, humour and just the right amount of charm.

A term others would refer to as 'The one' or 'Prince Charming'

But I had yet to fully fall.

The next morning my day had began rather eventfully, with breakfast in bed and non-stop messages from my new romantic interest. We talked about several things, leaving out the most personal things out as we had both agreed the getting to know each other part was something done better in person, face to face.

They say that happiness doesn't last forever. How unfortunate that it was true. It wasn't long before I was forcefully dragged out of my luxurious bedroom and pushed through the doors of the real world, standing next to my family and our newly found family friends: the Malhotra's outside our hotel, ready to be tourists around the grounds of Greece.

By now, I had completed my quota of surprises every time I was met with any member of the Malhotra's. It had become crystal clear to me that there was no way out of this, and that I would, sadly, be spending the rest of my holiday glaring into the smirking face of my worst enemy: Jai Malhotra. It had therefore not been a surprise to me when I had descended the floors of my room to the ground floor, where my parents had kindly invited the Malhotra's to unite in being that one large group of Indian people that flaunted their richness around the grounds of another place. I had always believed that stereotypes had been a joke. That was until I looked at my own family in the mirror and realised that my life was the complete stereotype.

My parents and siblings walked ahead with all the parents, engaging in conversations related to business, economics, finance and nothing related to the beauty hidden between the landscapes of Greece.

Jai's siblings were too busy chatting about their own life buried and London, and my poor best friend Samira was buried between all the pick-up lines Roy was sending her way.

So then that leaves me.

What was I doing you ask?

Like I always do, I'll let you guess.

Yeah, that's right.

I was attempting yet again the smirking gazes of Jai Malhotra who simply wouldn't leave my side since we had left the hotel about 15 minutes ago.

Thus, unfortunately, there came that moment in our steps of unblissfull silence where his process of 'let's be friends' began again.

"You know, you can't ignore me forever. Our parents have already become friends and before you know it, we'll be having annual family dinners every other weekend" he commented next to me, his orbs fixed on the view ahead, his eyes hooded by the dark shades he wore.

"You know, just because our parents are friends, doesn't mean we have to be. Besides, I can always pretend to like you in the presence of our parents you know? I did, after all land the role of every protagonist in every play we did in high school. I was basically the school actress" I finished, my eyes never looking at his. But his chuckle was something that didn't escape my ears.

"I can picture you as the school actress. Walking around with two minions behind you, a handbag in your hands filled mostly with make-up and cosmetics rather than books and boys swooning over you every minute. Also, let me guess, you dated the football jock?" Surprisingly, at this, I burst out in utter laughter.

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