Chapter 8

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Jai's POV

Alright, I know that so far you've heard the story from Siya's point of view, and I'm pretty sure you hate me already, but hear me out.

I'm actually quite a good person alright?

I know, I know, I technically was cheating on her with Dania, but I tried so hard to break up with Dania, she just wouldn't take it, so what was I to do? It took her so long to leave me for Christ Sake! But the day I met Siya, I knew something for sure: she was the one.

This is the part where you all think "yeah, bullshit Jai, very cliché thing to say 'the one'" But the truth is that I mean it.

It's like walking into a candy store and finding that one candy that you love the most and can eat for the rest of your life. That was a terrible analogy Jai, everyone loves candy.

You get my point.

The minute I laid my eyes on her, well, I guess you can guess the end of that sentence.

I was completely taken aback. An independent woman who isn't afraid to confront me, who drinks vodka, doesn't go for the salad at the dinner table and one that can kick ass after studying criminology despite being Indian? Who doesn't want that?

I had never really been interested in arranged marriages, one of the reasons I kept Dania with me (I know, dick move). But the minute I saw Siya's picture lying between the collection of photos held in my mother's hands, I knew what I wanted. And I want her.

Of course, it will take me a while to get through to her, but I vowed to myself the day I met her I would. She is definitely worth it.

Now that we have that much clear, let's talk about Romil Desai. My worst enemy in both my professional and personal world. Stealing money from me in my professional life and stealing my girl in my personal life. If the purge really existed, he would be dead.

But one thing was clear in my mind. No matter how hard Romil would try, one day his true colours will be revealed, and I would be there for Siya, despite her being able to kick Romil's ass herself. She might hate me right now, but by the looks of it, fate isn't letting her go any further away from me.

As soon as the idea of a family vacation was brought up in my family, I knew that I would regret it, but I now see that my mum was right: everything does happen for a reason indeed.

After my encounter with Siya at the club, I walked out of the club towards the elevator that would take me to my room, alone. Completely alone. No girls, nothing. That was something new. But I meant what I said to Siya: I wouldn't ever cheat on her. (Even though I'm technically not with her at the moment)

The first thing that came into view when I entered my room was Roy. My ass of a best friend with a girl on either side of him laughing at something he was saying. Typical Roy.

"Ladies, I'm glad you're having fun with my friend here, but I'm afraid it's his bedtime, and yours too, goodnight. The door is down the hall" I announced as I walked in, watching the girl shoot me a glare before getting up and marching away angrily, Roy trying his best to go after them.

Nonchalantly, I took off my blazer, throwing it on the bed before proceeding to remove my shoes and shirt.

"Care to explain to me why that was necessary?" Roy snapped once he returned empty handed.

"We are here on a family vacation Roy. Get some sleep, tomorrow we are off to become tourists." I responded casually, watching as his glare extended further into my soul.

"What has gotten into you man? Ever since Dania left you-"

"Roy, I never loved Dania, why do you keep bringing her up? In fact, if anything, ever since she left me, I've found myself" I replied, watching his eyes extend in surprise.

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