Chapter 10

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Jai's POV

They say that finding true love comes with a price, and until today I had never believed in those words until I found myself facing that price head on.

Siya's words stung more than anything in my life ever had. And I knew this was just another fail in my attempts to succeed, but I also knew that it would not be my last failed attempt. I had vowed to myself to keep fighting for the woman I was head over heels for, but it was even harder when the woman herself didn't realise how crazy I was over her. The only impression she had of me is that of a player seeking to get into her pants, and I wouldn't blame her, my reputation hadn't been the best since the very minute she met me, but second chances were for everyone.

The minute she walked out on me to meet Romil, I knew exactly what my future was going to look like. I knew for a fact that Romil Desai was not what he seemed to be. The charming Mr. Perfect every girl he dreamed of. If anything he was the exact opposite of everything he claimed to be, and I knew that there was no way he was going to make Siya the exception of all the girls he's fooled. I knew that one day Siya would find out the truth and she would most probably come back to me, but that was not the way I wanted to earn her friendship, by letting her fall into his trap. Which is why I was going to do something about it.

I would do anything but I would not let Siya fall for the man. Even if she was capable of kicking his ass when the time came.

The only question was, how does the villain manage to convince the princess that in fact the person she thinks is the prince is the actual villain and the villain is the hero?

Either way, I had to figure something out.

So that's exactly what I did.

By now our entire grouped families were headed towards yet the next tourist attraction, but it was right in that moment that I realised something.

Samira was still here. And Samira was Siya's best friend. A woman who surely cared about her best friend like no other.

Slowly, I approached her, taking the opportunity of her isolation before Roy attacked her once again with his lame, cheesy pick up lines, none of which were working on the woman.

"Samira" I called out to her as I approached her. Her eyes met mine with a certain discomfort in her eyes, but she allowed me approach nonetheless.

"Look the last thing I need is you sending pick up lines my way-"

"Woah woah. I'm not here to flirt with you" I clarified, stopping her mid sentence. Her eyes pierced through mine for reassurance before they focused back in front of us.

"Oh, I'm not going to convince Siya that you're the best match for her because quite frankly, I don't like-"

"Samira, that's not what I want to talk to you about. Quite frankly, I don't want you to convince her of anything about me because I can prove that to her myself at some point. I know it may not seem like it, but I do actually care about her. Which is why I'm here and talking to you. The guy she's gone out with, Romil Desai-"

"Oh, so you're jealous of him and now you're going to try to convince me that you're better than him-"

"Would you please just for one second let me finish my point?" I finally snap, frustrated of getting interrupted every other minute. Samira's remarks stopped instantly as she silently looked at the view ahead of us, not uttering a word. "Look, I'm not going to try and convince you that I'm better than him, because in terms of business and look, I might not be. But Romil Desai's morals are way past mine. I admit that I kind of did cheat on Siya and I hurt her, but I swear to you, if I knew that that's who Siya would turn out to be I would never have done it-"

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