Chapter 20

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Siya's POV

"I'm not going to ask you again Mallory, tell me where you were the night of Zach Black's murder?" I interrogated, utterly frustrated.

The girl sitting in front of me, Mallory, was no older than 19 and was no better than any other 19 year old out there in England. She wore the same black attire as the one in her previous mugshot and folded her hands across her chest, her eyes never meeting mine as she didn't respond or react to a word I said.

"Fine, if that's how you want to play it, so be it, you're going to jail" I stated exhaustedly, turning my back on her to walk away.

"Who gave me out?" she suddenly blurted, causing me to stop and face her.

"Why should I tell you?" I questioned back, not wanting to reveal Tony.

As much of a criminal Tony was, I knew he loved Mallory. I also knew he went to great extremes to protect her, and there was no way I was going to sabotage that for him. Especially since he was already rotting in jail.

"It was Tony wasn't it? That son of a bitch-"

"That son of a bitch only saved your life Mallory. If it weren't for him you'd be dead." I snapped, watching her expression soften slightly.

"A few weeks ago I borrowed money from Zach, I needed it to buy more crack. I thought if I sold all my drugs by the end of the month I would have double the money and I could give back half of it to Zach. But I didn't. During those weeks I was robbed of all the drugs I brought and I had no money left with me. So I tried to run, Tony let me stay at his for a while no questions asked. But Zach and his army found me. One night when I was walking back to Tony's I was taken, and Zach tried killing me, but I managed to kill him before he reached that far with me. Then, I ran. I knew it was only a matter of time before the police found me. But I trusted Tony, I trusted that he would protect-"

"Don't you get that he did protect you?" I interrupted once again.

"How? By giving me up?"

"I literally just told you that if it weren't for him you would be dead. Appreciate that. Tony did a lot for you because he genuinely cared about you, but you did nothing but use him and take advantage of his care for you. Besides, you killed a man and you broke a bunch of other laws so in no way does that make you innocent, if anything you should be taken in by the police. We have a justice system for a reason" I finished, watching Mallory as she looked at the table, ashamed to face me. "Have fun in jail" were my last words to her as I stormed out of the interrogation room towards my desk.

"So? Did she speak?" Carter asked from opposite me as I sat myself down.

"Yup, she's going to jail" I commented, my eyes scanning the screen ahead of me for our next case.

"Well done partner!" he congratulated, looking genuinely impressed as I shot him a small smile before returning to my screen "Also, I have our next case" he suddenly said, throwing me a yellow file whilst opening his own.

"Another murder case"


"Jai, what are you doing here?" I questioned as I walked out of the precinct, my eyes wide in surprise and my heart speeding away with excitement.

"Thought I might swing by to surprise my girlfriend" he commented, pulling me into his chest with his arms around my waist. At this, I smiled, placing my hands around his neck gently.

"So this is really happening ha? We really are dating. The guy I once used to despise and I" I commented casually, causing his smirk to widen.

"Oh it certainly is. You know what they say, there is a thin line between love and hate" he replied, leaning in closer before gently placing his lips on mine.

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