Chapter 4

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Siya's POV

My eyes squinted as I looked ahead of me into the center of the target and my hands tightened around the gun I held in my hands.

I gripped on to the trigger tightly, keeping my arms still and focusing solely on the centre before I took a deep breath.





With satisfaction, I watched as the bullet pierced right through the centre of the target, causing a smile to build up on my face.

Lowering my gun, I took off my protector tradesman earmuffs and glasses before setting everything back down, and slowly collecting my stuff to make my way outside.

Now don't get me wrong, I love taking out my anger by simply talking to my friends like normal people, but sometimes shooting is the only way to get rid of stress, and at the very moment, I felt alive. I felt a fire die down inside of me. The very sound of the trigger being pushed and the bullet piercing the target calmed my nerves, it assured me of the power and control I had over myself, and despite my controlling parents, no one could take that away from me.

For some people that was boxing, or swimming or any other martial art, for me, it was this.

So with a large smile, I made my way outside the police academy, and made my way home to continue with my work.

My mind wandered back to the day where I had decided to tell my parents that I wanted to study criminal justice rather than law or medicine. The look on their faces had been priceless at my announcement, and I had remembered how for an entire three months, I was on lockdown in the house, and my parents had completely disagreed with my opinions and my decisions.

If it hadn't been for my brother Ajay, perhaps I would still be nowhere.

If he hadn't stepped into my life and helped me convince my parents of the truth, that I would never be able to succeed in what I don't enjoy, I would be studying medicine or law in oxford or imperial, I most certainly would not be thriving to become a detective.

At this point I questioned myself, why did it matter so much? Why couldn't one be happy with what they want to do in their life without being interrupted and disturbed or criticised.

I scoffed to myself as I walked in through the doors of my house, I guess it didn't matter anymore.

Inside, my parents and brothers were all gathered around the living room table, each crowded around the computer screen in my brother's hand, talking about something I couldn't put my finger on.

"What's going on here?" I questioned, announcing my presence as I dropped my stuff on the sofa and sat down. Instantly, everyone's eyes fell on me and I soon found my mother coming towards me to seat herself next to me.

"We are going on a holiday" she declared, holding my hand and she smiled at me.

"Excuse me?" I asked in utter shock. Don't get me wrong, holidays are great and all, but at the very moment, I had bigger things to focus on, such as the academy, and getting my life together.

"I said we are going for a holiday, all of us. To Greece" She repeated for me, causing me to nod with wide eyes.

"Okay, so you're saying that we all, you know as a family, are going to Greece?" I repeated, trying my best not to just let myself explode at the moment.

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