Chapter 2

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Siya's POV

Isn't it just odd the way life works?

They say that you should work for what you want in life, yet they also say that the best things in life come unexpected.

What was a person to do with all these sayings? Which ones were worth believing in and which ones worth ignoring?

I had tried both ways in life, but failed in both.

Last night I wasn't looking for anything with Jai, but did I get the best out of that situation? We all know I didn't.

Throughout my life I had always worked hard to get what I wanted, had I gotten it? Nope. I had yet to earn my freedom from my parents' traditional life.

What was one to do in their life to achieve what they wanted?

Fading from my train of thought, I focused back onto my computer screen, attempting to finish off my notes for the academy.

Maybe my parents were right, maybe I should give up on the entire institution of love, it's pointless anyways. I thought to myself, getting of my bed and grabbing the jacket off my bed before I left my room.

I couldn't continue like this, I had to get out of the house.

Switching on my phone, I dialled Samira's number to inform her that she was going to meet me at the café, whether she liked it or not.

I grabbed my car keys from the kitchen counter, slowly turning around to leave, only to come face to face with my brother Ajay standing by the kitchen door.

"Ajay, hey, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the office?" I asked, not taking a step from where I was.

"Where are you going?" he interrupted, leaning against the door frame with hands arms folded.

"I'm going out for coffee with Samira" I simply stated, daring myself to take a step towards the door, but Ajay simply cut off my way by stepping right in front of me.

"Let me drive you" he intervened, once again driving me absolutely crazy! I was only going for coffee for fuck's sake!

"Ajay, I'm going for coffee with Samira, that's it. If you want to hire a private investigator to see where I go all day go ahead, but I need my space, so please just let me go Christ sake!" I exclaimed, pushing my way past him and ran out the door towards my car before he could approach me.

I was sick of it all.

All the rules, all the limits and all the prohibitions, I was human for fuck's sake! I needed my own space.

I drove towards New cross, meeting Samira in one of the coffee shops I always met her at, ignoring the fact that I was basically going over every speed limit that I passed by.

Once I arrived however, I exited my vehicle, making my way inside the café, taking my place at our usual spot, waiting for Samira to show up.

Samira had always been a tardy person, so I knew I had to wait at least another fifteen minutes before her royal highness decided to show up. Instead, I decided to grab myself my coffee and not wait for her. If I am going to wail, I might as well just do it with some coffee. I commented to myself, getting in line.

The bell on top of the door suddenly rang, indicating that someone had walked in and I found myself instantly looking back to see if Samira had arrived, instead my eyes fell on someone who wasn't Samira, yet was someone quite familiar.

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