Chapter 18

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Samira's POV

I already made a mistake once allowing my best friend to date a corrupt man despite getting several warning from a man who I considered the enemy at the time. But this time, I wouldn't make the same mistake again.

Siya had been my friend since day 1, and she was there with me through my best and worse, now it was time for me to return the favour.

As much as I hated Jai Malhotra for what he made my best friend go through, I truly believed he cared about my best friend and wanted the best for her. I also believed he was most possibly, the best thing for her at the moment.

I knew that Jai and Siya began their journey on the wrong foot, but somewhere along those lines they still managed to remain in each other's lives. And I didn't believe that was just a coincidence.

This was the only reason why I was stuck in my current position in life, which consisted of me dialling up the number I had been avoiding for a very long time. The number of a very, very annoying man.

Can you guess who that man is?

Nop, it's not Jai.

It was Roy.

The world's biggest flirt but also the most loyal friend I have ever seen in my life. Possibly even a better friend than me.

As expected, Roy didn't take ages to answer, instead, he picked up on the first ring.

"You know, I called you about a million times last week hoping I could have just a simple chat with you, but you never answered, and so I made a bet with myself that you would never call me and the day that you did pigs would start flying. But I honestly don't see any pigs flying so either you called the wrong number or this is a miracle." He began instantly.

"Don't flatter yourself too much Roy. I'm not calling about you, I'm calling about something else" I responded.

"Why do you think I spent all my time calling you Samira? I didn't call for myself. I might be a jerk, but I respect my best friend a lot more than people know, and that's why I called. And judging by your words, that's also why you called" he replied.

For the next minute, there was silence on both sides. Clearly none of us were prepared for this conversation.

"So, I think we already know the problem, that Siya won't accept her feelings for Jai-"

"Woah, before you continue, I should also mention that Jai isn't accepting his feelings for Siya either you know?" I retorted, supporting Siya.

Don't judge me, it was true.

Siya might not accept her feelings for Jai, but Jai wasn't doing anything about it either, he just spent weeks ignoring her!

"Are you serious? Jai already has accepted his feelings for Siya!-"

"Is that why he spent weeks ignoring her?" I snapped.

"No, he spent weeks ignoring her because he was pissed off that Siya wanted to reconcile with him to be his friend. I mean come on, he didn't come all this way just to be friend zoned you know? He's in love with Siya and everyone can see it except her!" He hissed.

Great. This was not making the situation any better. We were fighting on either sides of the pole when we were supposed to be working this out together. And if we had to do that, we had to put our personal differences aside. For the sake of our best friend's.

"Alright, this is not going to fix anything Roy. Let's just forget the person to blame for the problem and think of a solution" I commented, my tone lowering, my anger fading away. Eventually, I heard Roy take a deep breath.

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