Chapter 19

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Siya's POV

"Okay, we can either do this the easy way or the hard way. Either you tell us where Mallory is and we let you go right now or you spent the rest of your damn life rotting in jail with-"

"Siya, calm down" Carter interrupted, walking forward. I released a huge, frustrated breath, getting my fists off the table as I stood in the corner and watched my partner get information off the criminal that had been sitting in front of us for the last 3 hours. "Alright buddy, let me explain this in simple terms. We already have enough to charge you to a lifetime of imprisonment, so jail in inevitable for you at the moment, but if you help us catch Mallory, we can reduce your sentence, so why don't you do us both a favour and start talking." Carter declared in a calm yet threatening tone.

Tony, the criminal who had attempted to break into my car, sat in front of us on the table, his body suddenly shaking as laughter erupted from him.

"Now why would I believe anything you cops have to say?" he spoke, causing Carter to finally snap, his fist banging the table below him.

As he did so, my eyes fell on Tony, like they really fell on Tony.

What was he hiding? Why was he hiding it? Why would one go through so much trouble to hide someone?

I observed as Tony's eyes fell on Mallory's on the table, and his eyes softened slightly.

Someone would only go through so much trouble to protect someone if they truly cared about someone. A care so deep, that it is often mistaken as the care of love. What if it were love?

I tried to analyse it all.

Mallory had disappeared after possibly murdering a man who she possibly owed money to. After we tried to look into her, I caught a man trying to break into my car, a man who looked scared shit when he found out I was a cop. But what if he knew I was a cop all along and he was simply trying to break into my car for another reason...possibly to steal the files on Mallory that were in my car, and then to save his own ass, he pretended to be amazed when I flashed my badge at him and then he ran away. But why would he do this? Because he was in love with Mallory? But if he was, why was Mallory away from him? Was it one sided love?

Whatever it was, it had struck me that I had perhaps found the only soft spot left in Tony's body. I had discovered the only thing left to use Tony to get to Mallory.

At this point, Carter was oblivious of my discover as he paced the interrogation room in worry.

"Alright, seeing as there isn't much we can do with him I suggest we just send him off to jail already" Carter suggested, his eyes facing my grin.

"I agree" I began, a plan floating through my head. "I'll take him, till then could you increase the amount of search parties for Mallory? and this time tell them that the hunt will be to bring her back alive.....or dead" I added towards the end, watching expectedly as Tony's eyes shot up from the photograph straight towards my passive expression. Carter looked at me confused, but didn't question my words as he walked out the room, leaving me alone with Tony.

Slowly, I walked up to him, my hands shaking the keys in my hand that I was about to use to unlock his handcuffs off the table.

"You want my help you're going to have to capture Mallory alive" He suddenly uttered, causing my eyes to glow with victory.

My hands froze and instead of following with my actions, I stood back, glancing down at Tony with an expression of curiosity.

"She comes back alive only if you tell me everything, right now" I stated, watching his eyes look at anything but my orbs.

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