Chapter 17

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Siya's POV

"What's on the Agenda today partner?" I asked as I walked into the precinct, seating myself down on my chair.

Instead of an answer however, my partner, Carter Brown, handed a file to me, focusing back on his computer screen.

Confused, I picked up the file and began scanning its contents. The first thing that came into view was a mugshot of a young girl about the age of 19, she had bags underneath her eyes and had a face covered with piercings. Pushing the picture aside, I read the comments underneath, discovering that she was prime suspect in the murder case we were looking into.

"Where did you get her?" I asked, my eyes still scanning through the file as I asked him.

"Remember that witness we interviewed the other day?"

"The sketchy one?"

"Yeah, he called last night, said he remembered something" he responded, his attention off his computer screen.

"Do we know where she is?" Carter shook his head, pointing at his computer screen.

"I've been looking for her all morning, no sign of her on facial recognition or CCTV footage anywhere. It's like she's a ghost" he responded. I nodded, my brain running through the several ways we could locate her.

"She probably doesn't want to be found, but she's bound to make a mistake at some point. Keep looking through surveillance, I'm going to go check out her apartment and get any samples of DNA to check against those at the crime scene" I commented to him, grabbing my stuff before walking out of the precinct towards my car.

My mind soon wandered about the day I had first been introduced to my partner, Carter Brown. At first glance, I had been completely petrified and utterly shocked on how I was supposed to work with someone that good looking, and for the first few days, I often found myself struggling to keep up with his words as I spent the majority of my time thinking terrible things about my partner. It wasn't until I watched him go up to his husband I realised that not only was my partner married, he was also gay.

Of course the gods wouldn't allow me to be with someone hot as fuck. Not to mention a white man.

Ever since that day, my mind had forgotten all about his looks, and my main mission had been to cut ties with the entire male species and focus on kicking ass in my job.

It was also the day I vowed to myself never to get involved with Jai Malhotra ever again, even though I still thought of him pretty much every day. Maybe it was guilt or hurt, but for some reason, my mind couldn't help but think about the one person I really didn't want to ever think about again.

Before I knew it, I had pulled up outside the suspect, Mallory Vandall's house. Or rather, crack house.

It was one of those typical vandalised shacks you saw in middle of the road in an area of high crime rate. Pulling out my gun and torch, I approached her door, and after making sure no one was inside, I kicked it open, walking inside in all alert.

The first thing I realised was that the place smelt of weed. That was no surprise. The next thing I noticed were the amount of papers scattered everywhere across the tiny place. There was a single mattress on the floor, a sink, a mini fridge and a table, nothing else.

What a place to live in.

After I made sure no one was around, I placed my gun down, turning the light switch on before proceeding with my hunt for Mallory's DNA.

There wasn't much to look at in the first place, but there was one place I knew I wouldn't definitely find her DNA: her pillow. Bending down, I flashed my torch on her pillow scanning for any sources of hair off her head, and it wasn't long before a long, thin piece of blonde hair popped up at the edge of the pillow.

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