Chapter 14

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Siya's POV


That's all I needed right now.

I needed an escape, an escape from everything in my life.

My friends, my family....Jai...

I couldn't deal with this right now.

It didn't matter that it had been two weeks since everything with Romil went down and I finally finished my police training. That also meant that it had been two weeks since I had last seen Jai or talked to him.

After everything had gone down, Jai had simply dropped me off at my house and disappeared without even giving me a chance to thank him.

I know at this point you're all thinking, well why didn't you further contact him to thank him, I mean, he saved your life Siya at least try and be grateful, geez.

Well to you, yes you, I say I tried okay?

I called and texted for days trying reach out to him, but did the stubborn man answer any of my texts or calls? No, he didn't.

And that is not my fault.

Ok maybe kind of my fault, but not completely. I my defence, he had lied to me on our first date okay? That does leave an impression.

But that didn't matter anymore, clearly Jai didn't want to see me again, and that was okay with me, I was going to accept my cruel fate. What I couldn't accept however, were my parents trying to set me up for another arranged marriage after finding out about what Romil tried to do to me. Did they not realise that I was a human being who needed space for God's sake!?

Did I mention I got Romil arrested? If not, I did. My first case after joining the London police department.

Another reason why I needed to escape.

Life was getting impossible, and soon, I found myself living from day to day until I decided that I couldn't take it anymore. I needed a break.

Which brings me back to my current position on the planet: embarking on yet another flight to Glasgow to visit my aunt and cousins.

And so there it was, my second holiday of the year.


"Siya! I can't believe you're here darling, it's been so long. You've grown so much!" my aunt exclaimed as I walked through the doors of her house.

Everything was the same as I had seen it the last time. She still had the same grey walls surrounding her house and white, minty couches as always. Her decor and the ornaments were the same and there was an aura of familiarity in the air.

My petite aunt approached me, hugging me once she got to me.

"Massi Veda, it's been so long. How are you?" I questioned once we parted, watching her grin extend to her ears.

"Oh, I'm the same dear, but look at you, you look so beautiful! Bet all the boys have been swooning over you" she mentioned, pulling me to join her by the couch.

"Well they would be, if my parents let me go out on dates. You know my mother, she is, after all, your sister" I commented, getting comfortable.

My aunt Veda had always the most casual person I've ever met. Despite inheriting the family money, she was the most down to earth person I had ever met. Not only that, she had always been a person to understand me, especially when it came to family matters. Another reason why I had flown into Glasgow in the first place, I knew I could talk to her about everything that was going on in my life.

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