Chapter 62

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   Y/N'S POV

  "Clark, you remember when Leslie told me I might have powers just like you do? Why have mine not shown up yet like yours?"

  Clark seemed caught off-guard by my question, given the fact that we had not talked about my powers since a few ages ago.

  Clark wrapped an arm around me and said,"I do not have an honest answer for you. Maybe you will just find out at the least expected moment. Mine came when I was younger, but it took me a minute to get used to them. I think it would be pretty cool having you out there with me. Then, Jade could say she has amazing parents!"

  "Right. That is definitely something she would say. I am so glad we have her in our life, Kent. I, now know what my mother felt like having to raise me. I was a handful."

  Clark laughed this time and joked saying,"I am sure you were, Y/N. I am sure you were."

  I hit Clark and he groaned, before I smiled to myself and said,"I hope it is secretly Super-hearing or Super-strength. Clark, I can barely lift my own hand."

  Clark playfully rolled his eyes and pulled me close saying,"For both of our sakes, let's just hope it is something that will not steer you towards trouble instead of away from it. Agreed?"

  I nodded and all of a sudden, Jade started crying and moving around in her crib. Clark immediately got up and rushed over to her crib, before he unwrapped the covers from around Jade and picked her up. Clark rocked her back and forth, while Jade rubbed her eyes and opened them the best she could.

  I could tell she was still very tired, before she looked at me and I walked up to her. I gently took her hand and I tickled her little hand.
  Clark smiled, while Jade began to stop crying and I realized it was about time for her to drink her next bottle. I immediately headed down the stairs. When I made it to the kitchen, I fixed Jade another bottle from scratch, before I warmed it up and jogged back up the stairs.

  Once I made it back, Jade saw the bottle in my hand and it was like she had the eyes of a hawk watching my every move.

  Clark chuckled and rubbed her back saying,"Give her the bottle, darling. The last thing we want is Jade having another tantrum."

  I put the bottle in Jade's mouth, while she began to drink it and I carefully held it up for her. Jade looked down at my hands, which made me wonder what she really was thinking about.
  I always wondered what babies really thought when they just stared at you or gave you a certain look. I shook off my curiosity and it only took a few minutes for Jade to finish the bottle.

  She was falling back asleep, so Clark sat down in the armchair on the right side of the room and tried to put Jade back to sleep.

  While Clark did that, I grabbed a blanket from downstairs and brought it over to Clark.

  I wrapped it around him and Jade saying,"We both know it may be a minute, so you may fall asleep in this chair. If not, I will gladly take Jade for the night."

  Clark waved it off and said,"No. No, I will be all right. I hope Bruce is doing okay. He has been through so much, and I know he has more family than he is aware of. Maybe you should call him, sweetheart, while I try to put Jade to sleep."

  I nodded and pecked Clark's lips, before I kissed Jade's forehead and she noticed me leaving. She leaned up and watched me leave, before I smiled, and Clark gently continued to rock her and get her to sleep.

  I smiled and jogged down the stairs, before I called Bruce.

  Bruce answered saying,"Yes, N/N?"

  I put my hand on my hip and said to Bruce,"Bruce, are you already out of the hospital? You literally just got there. Do not even think about trying to lie to me Bruce Wayne, because I will call Alfred or come over there and hit you myself."

  Bruce chuckled and asked me,"Why do you sound so concerned, Y/N? I can come out of the hospital if I want to. What would you do about it? I am already out."

  I rolled my eyes and said,"I could put you back in the hospital. I am so concerned, Wayne, because you are my family and I do not want Jade growing up without her famous Uncle Bruce. You listen to me and you listen well: You contact Alfred and get him to get you back in that hospital, so you get the rest you are supposed to be getting as we speak. Understand?"

  Bruce was quiet for a moment, before he sighed and said,"All right. I will go back, but wish Jade goodnight for me and Clark, too. Bye, Y/N. Love you."

  I smiled and said,"Love you, too, Bruce. Love you, too. You better check back in that hospital, Wayne. Bruce.."

  Bruce laughed again and hung up the phone, but I knew he was probably not going to go back to the hospital. He was too stubborn to help his own self sometimes.
  Bruce sometimes reminded me of Clark, because Clark did the same thing at times. None the less, they both were great men who knew their place and wanted to do what was right for their city.

  I jogged back up the stairs and noticed Clark was asleep with Jade still awake in his arms. I sighed and Jade made noises at seeing me, because she knew she should have been sleep.
  I gently took Jade from Clark, before I put her in her crib, and she played with my fingers. I ended up standing up beside her crib for about 2 hours, before she went to sleep, and I gently took my hand out from between the bars.

  I walked back over to Clark and gently shook him, before he slowly opened his eyes and just picked me up. He carried me over to the bed, before he put me down and immediately laid on top of me.
  I smiled and wrapped the covers around us both, so we would not get cold during the night.

Clark Kent X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora