Chapter 32

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   Y/N'S POV

  After hours of fighting, the Justice League finally took down Darkseid. I cheered for as long as I could, but you can only do so much when you're tired and hungry. You know what I did? I lied on the ground and decided to take a nap, before I was woken up by someone gently kicking my leg. I opened my eyes to seeing the Justice League staring at me.

  I groaned and turned on my side saying,"Can't a girl get some time after cheering you guys on for hours?"

  Batman chuckled, while I rolled my eyes saying,"What are you laughing at, Batman? By the way, your suit has had better days.."

  Batman rolled his eyes this time, and I giggled softly.

  Superman picked me up and said,"All right, missy, I think you have had enough fun for one day. Time to go home, darling."

  I sighed in relief and said,"Thank God, because it stinks in here! Clark, C'mon!"

  Everyone chuckled, while Superman hit my side. I groaned in pain, before I tried to hit him back. He acted like he was going to drop me, so that made me stop real fast. Superman chuckled and kissed my nose, before he nuzzled his nose against my own.

  I smiled and said,"I missed you, Kansas. What's that?"

  Clark immediately turned his head, and I stole a kiss from him. Clark smiled and just looked in front of him, before I leaned on his chest. I took this time to admire the moonlight, which made me yawn even more.

  We eventually made it home, and I sighed saying,"I'm so hungry.."

  I heard a voice say,"Then, be glad I stayed around long enough."

  I turned and saw Mom. Tears formed in my eyes, but I just ran to her and hugged her tight.

  Mom hugged back and said,"I was so worried..I love you so much.."

  I nodded and sincerely apologized saying,"Mom, I..I'm so sorry about what I did. You're amazing..and I should have been more careful. Forgive me?"

  Mom thought about it and said,"You eat the fresh baked cookies I left for you. Then, I will forgive you."

  I squealed, before Mom just chuckled and gently pushed me forward. I smiled and gave her a kiss, before I walked into the kitchen. Kara and Conner attacked me in a hug, before I hugged back.

 Conner said,"It's great to see you again, Y/N. Are you okay?"

  I nodded saying,"I'm fine, Conner. Thank you..Kara, don't cry.."

  Kara was still hugging me, so I just hugged her tighter and kissed her forehead. Kara smiled, but sniffed and didn't want to let go.

  Clark walked into the kitchen and said,"Aww.."

  I grabbed a cookie and threw it at Clark, only for him to catch it in his mouth and eat it.

  I rolled my eyes and mumbled,"Show off..We don't all have-"

  I was cut off by feeling a warm pair of lips meeting my own. I kissed back and brought Clark closer. Clark slowly pulled away and kissed my nose. I blushed and Clark walked out of the kitchen. I went to lean on the counter, only to fall over.
  I heard Clark chuckle from the living room and groaned, before I ran in the living room. Then, I tackled him over the couch. Clark and I started play fighting, before Mom pulled us away from each other.

  I pouted and whined yelling,"Mom!!"

  Mom chuckled and said,"I love you, too! Oh, honey, a young woman is outside waiting for you.."

  I just nodded and went outside to see Lois standing there. I instantly rolled my eyes and slammed the door shut.

  Mom looked at me confused and asked,"Darling, why did you do that?"

  I crashed on the couch and said,"Mom if you ever see her again, you call the police, got it? I don't even want to deal with that anymore..They'll be more merciful than I ever will.."

  Mom put her hand on her hip and said,"Y/N M/N L/N, all of those years of my lecturing and you never learned anything? Where did I go wrong?"

  Anyone's else's mother ever said that to them? I sighed and felt bad for a second, but not really after that. She almost got me, but I had had enough of Lois.

  I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mom yelling,"Y/N!!"

  I double blinked and realized I had completely spilled the drink that was once in my hand. I sighed and got up, before Clark helped me clean up the mess.

  I gave him a kiss and held on for a while, before I pulled away saying,"Thanks, cutie. I appreciate it.."

  Clark blushed, but kissed my hand saying,"Is everything all right, honey?"

  I sighed and stroked his cheek saying,"No, but we'll talk tomorrow, okay? I'm really tired. I don't feel like staying up.."

  Clark smiled and said goodbye to me, before I put on some pajamas. Getting into bed, I got comfortable and fell asleep.

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