Chapter 52

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   Y/N'S POV


  I sighed, hoping Clark could get here soon. I was having a hard time getting up on my own and really needed some water. I hated that Clark had to help me, but I knew it was all a part of the process. I just had to get over it.

  Clark rushed into the room and asked,"Darling, everything all right? Is it time? Already? I haven't even got the bag ready or called or-"

  I cut Clark off by reaching for his hand and laughing weakly saying,"No, Kansas, I just need Please?"

  Clark nodded and took my hands, before he gently pushed me up and guided me out of the room.

  I smiled at Clark's actions and asked him,"Do you think he or she will have powers, Clark?"

  I expected Clark to smile, but he did not and sighed saying,"Sweetheart, it may look that way, but I do not want to risk endangering our child like that. If they do, then we will support him or her, even when they do not want it, but if they do not, then it will keep them out of harm's way. That would be a little cool, wouldn't it?"

  I smiled and leaned on Clark's shoulder saying,"Yes, very much so. Clark, I am hungry again. Do you think you could.."

  Clark laughed and kissed my forehead saying,"I got it, Mrs. Kent. Just sit back and relax. Anything else?"

  I thought about it and said,"Maybe some water and that is it. Thank you."

  Clark nodded and gave me a kiss, before he pulled away and jogged into the kitchen.

  I heard someone knock on the door and Clark yelled from the kitchen,"SWEETHEART, DON'T YOU DARE GET UP! I GOT IT!"

  I pouted and sat right back down, ignoring my swollen feet and legs that argued against my actions. Clark tried to get me into taking a bath earlier, but I told him I would be just fine. I was regretting that decision now..Clark closed the front door and Mom and Dad walked in the living room.

  I was very surprised, but stood to my feet and brought them into a group hug.

   They hugged back, before Mom gasped and smiled saying,"Oh, Honey, you are growing!! I can not wait to be a grandmother! Your father cannot wait to be a grandfather, even though he does not want to be called "old."

  I laughed and looked over at Dad saying,"Aww, Daddy, it is okay. I promise that I am the only one that thinks you are old and nothing will change that.."

  Mom giggled, while Dad rolled his eyes and put his hand on my stomach saying,"Yeah, thanks, darling. I really appreciate your sense of humor. It was needed."

  I blew Dad a kiss and Clark helped me sit down, while Mom and Dad smiled at us.

  Dad kissed my forehead saying,"We just came to stop by and see how you were doing. I see that time is slipping away, so we will be on our way. Take care of my girl, Kent. Bye, baby girl."

  I waved goodbye to Mom and Dad, before Clark closed the door and I sighed saying,"Kansas, you were right. I am sorry for not taking your word and getting in the bath earlier. Could you make me another one?"

  Clark thought about it and I giggled at his cuteness. Clark took my hand and led me upstairs to our bathroom, before I noticed the bath was already made.

   Clark smiled and said,"I figured you would feel that way, so I went ahead and made one for you. You are welcome and dinner will be ready in about an hour."

  I gave Clark a long and earned kiss saying,"I am so luck to have you, Kansas, and thank you. I have the best husband ever!!"

  Clark confidently helped me get undressed, before I got in the tub and felt so relaxed at being in the water. Clark made sure I would be okay, before he went back downstairs to check on the food.
  I smiled and relaxed, as I hummed to myself. Beginning to think about what my son or daughter would be like. I wanted him/her to have Clark's courage, but my manners and communication skills. They would be an example in everything they did and would be the best in their class.

  Growing up, school was not a struggle for me, but I did struggle a great deal with writing. Before I knew it, I got to the point where it became comfortable to me and I ended up at the Daily Planet.
  It took Perry a while to warm up to me, but he eventually saw that I had a talent. Eager to chase down the newest headlines and details. The stories I was normally big about were: Superman...It was not so shocking, huh? I did not love him that much then, but I loved how he always seemed to show up when help was needed.

  Now, that man was my husband and I could not thank God enough for giving him to me. I was so glad I did not end up with my ex, because I sure would have moved out already if I did. I would have moved to Gotham and hid somewhere in Bruce's Manor. I was sure it had enough room to where my ex could never find me..

  I got out of the tub and managed to get into my pajamas, before I slowly made my way downstairs and Clark said,"Honey, you should have stayed upstairs. I would have carried you down the stairs and made sure you were taken care of."

  I kissed Clark's jaw and smiled up at him saying,"Kansas, I would like to not feel like a damsel every once and a while. I am fine, okay? Thank you for staying here with me for this long."

  Clark leaned down and placed on my lips, before he slowly pulled away and smirked saying,"It's okay, Sweetheart, and who would be better company than you? You are too important to me to leave alone and I enjoy your kisses way too much to be without you."

  I blushed a little, before we dug into our dinner. Eventually, I headed off to bed. Before I did, I could hear Clark sighing in defeat at me doing things on my own. I giggled quietly and realized it was only a matter of time before he would get his chance in a few weeks.

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