Chapter 38

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  I woke up to being in Superman's arms. His arms felt like barriers that you could never break, but you didn't want to at the same time. No matter what happened, I knew Clark would do anything for me and I was glad to have him.
  After Clark talked to me yesterday and did the fancy dinner thing, I noticed that maybe something else was on his mind. Something big.. I figured it was probably everything that Clark had been through these last few weeks.

  Clark wasn't the easiest to read, which made it harder for me to figure him out at times. I would always just make sure I was there for him, since I knew Clark had a lot of things going on. He may have been that Boyscout that was special in his own way, but he had secrets and memories that were probably left best unsaid or kept in the dark.
  C'mon, we all had them whether we realized it or not, so I had no reason to try to bombard Kansas about it. Did I just call him Kansas instead of Clark? I did it all the time, but not necessarily in that form.

  I tried to get up, but Superman ended up pulling me right back down. I giggled and just snuggled deeper into Clark's chest, while he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

  He slowly opened his eyes and kissed my forehead saying,"You okay? You look like you're thinking about something.."

  I nodded saying,"I'm fine, Man of Steel, I promise. When are we going home?"

  Superman gave me a fake hurt look and said,"You're ready to go already? How ungrateful!!"

  I chuckled and hit his shoulder, before Superman cupped my face and nuzzled his nose against mine saying,"Whenever you're ready, sweetheart. I thought you'd like getting away from everything for a while; especially with what happened the other day.."

  I looked up and met Superman's worried, yet sad blue eyes saying," did..You know?"

  Superman nodded and placed a few kisses on my knuckles saying,"Yeah, I overheard you mumbling in your sleep. Why didn't you tell me you haven't been able to sleep, darling?"

  I shook my head and looked down saying,"Because I didn't want to worry you, because you already have the weight of the world on your shoulders, Clark. Plus, I could sleep, just not without you there the whole time. I know work comes up, but the dreams just make it worse to be without you.."

  Superman stroked my cheek and said,"I understand that, Y/N, but you're way too important for me to just abandon and not worry about. I love you and you know that, sweetheart, don't you?"

  I nodded. I don't know what it was, but it made me feel like he was so much better than I was and that seeing me vulnerable would make him want to leave for some other talented and skilled woman out there.

  Clark noticed and rested my hands on his chest saying,"Do you know what this is, Y/N?"

  I smiled and said,"Your heart.."

  Superman chuckled and nodded, before he intertwined his fingers with mine and looked into my E/C eyes saying,"Yes, it is my heart, but there won't be a day where it won't beat, won't race, or even stop for you. You're everything I could've hoped for in my life, and I want you in it. You're the sweetest, confident, yet most stubborn woman I've had the pleasure of getting to know. I knew from the moment I met you that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I guess what I'm saying is.."

  Superman held my hand, as he got down on one knee and hopefully asked me,"Y/N M/N L/N, Will you marry me?"

  This was all I had ever wanted to hear from him.

  I squealed yelling,"OF COURSE I WANNA MARRY YOU, SUPERMAN!!"

  Clark sighed in relief, before he got up and slid the ring on my finger. I noticed something: I had never seen a ring quite like this, which led me to one conclusion: Clark made this himself.
It was that result that made me immediately pull Superman in for a kiss and hold him even closer to me.

  Superman chuckled and mumbled,"You're welcome. I love you, more, Mrs. Kent."

  I immediately blushed, before I realized it would only be a matter of time before that became my permanent name. I wanted nothing more than for that day to finally come.

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