Chapter 54

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   Y/N'S POV

  I struggled to reach the television remote and gave up. However, I heard footsteps and saw it was just Clark.

   Clark laughed and gave me a kiss asking,"Struggling, Y/N?"

   I pouted and sighed saying,"I can't reach the remote and I am missing Beauty and the Beast right now.."

   Clark kissed my forehead, then he gently pushed me forward and sat down behind me. I leaned on his chest and intertwined my fingers with his. Clark buried his face in my hair, while I got an idea and brought his hand to my stomach.

   Clark took his face out of my hair and smiled down at me, before he rubbed my stomach slowly saying,"Are you excited?"

   I groaned at feeling the baby kick, before I sighed saying,"I am excited, but in a little pain. I know I have already asked you this before, but what if our child does have powers? Most likely, he or she will have them. What will we do?"

  Clark leaned on me saying,"The only thing we can do: Support the little one, until they can handle it on their own. Sweetheart, we will be fine. You know you are always safe with me..."

  I smiled up at Clark, before he smiled back and gave me a quick kiss. He got up and there was a knock on the door, while I wrapped the blanket tighter around me. Clark opened the door and it was Mrs. Kent.
  She sent me a smile and Krypto ran inside, before he jumped on the sofa and licked my face.

  I giggled and rubbed his head saying,"I have not seen you in forever, too, Krypto. I see you have gotten even stronger. Clark, what do you feed him?"

  Clark laughed, while Mrs. Kent said,"Oh, it's nothing that big. Krypto just likes to keep up with Clark. How are you feeling, Y/N?"

  I smiled saying,"A lot better than this morning, but I am getting there. Are you ready for the new edition to the family?"

  Mrs. Kent nodded saying,"Of course, Dear. I know this one will be a keeper, and I am sure he will want to spend time with little old me."

  I laughed saying,"Mrs. Kent, you are not old, and I am being honest about that one. I know she/he will be excited about spending time with you."

  I groaned in pain, before Mrs. Kent immediately rushed to my side, so did Clark.

  Clark kissed my forehead asking me,"Sweetheart, what's wrong? Is it time?"

  I shook my head saying,"No, but I still have about a week or so. Time has went by very fast. It has been a long journey, b..but Kansas has been with me since the beginning. I..I love him the more for it."

  Mrs. Kent smiled over at me. Clark made me look at him, before he gave me a kiss. I kissed back, while I pulled Clark closer.

  I softly pulled away and said,"T..Thank you, Clark."

  Clark nodded and kissed my hand saying,"Anything for you, Y/N. Krypto, come help me get Y/N's bath ready.."

  Krypto followed Clark up the stairs, before Mrs. Kent took my hand saying,"I know you have been through a lot, but just hold on for a few more weeks. We want you to be healthy, too, okay?"

  I nodded before I replied back saying,"I know, Mrs. Kent, and I thank you for worrying about me. I am fine, I promise. I am just ready to go to bed, really..No offense, I love talking to you! That was not meant to come out rude.."

  Mrs. Kent laughed, before she kissed my forehead and talked to me. Krypto came running down the stairs and pulled on my dress, then I followed him up and headed into the bathroom.

  Clark kissed my cheek saying,"Let me know if you need anything. Please do not fall, Y/N. I know you are clumsy, but you have already stressed me out enough. I love you.."

  I was about to say something smart to Clark, but I got it together and hugged Clark saying,"I love you, too. I will call you, if I need anything."

  Clark made sure I didn't need any help, before he left out and I got in the tub. I sighed in relief, while I got comfortable and thought about how much things are going to change having a child in the house.
  I actually wanted a child for the longest, so I was overjoyed to know that Clark felt the same. I just hoped that our child would be confident in themselves no matter what they liked and that would make me the happiest mother in the world.

  After I was done taking a bath, I lied down with Clark. I just listened to his heartbeat, while I continued to wonder what gender our child would be. I could not wait.

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