Chapter 48

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  Metropolis was a nice place..It wasn't too bad and I was sure Superman was around here somewhere. Oh, sorry!! I was just..Never mind, maybe you had heard of me before? I'm Barry Allen; The Flash. I was struck by lightning and given powers by the Particle Accelerator. Yeah, it was how I was given my speed and good looks..Well, I was born with the good looks.
   Apparently, one of my meta-humans, Leonard Snart, had found himself in Metropolis and causing havoc in Superman's city. I tried to get Snart as far away as possible from the citizens, knowing he would try to turn one of them into an ice sickle or something..

  I ran circles around him, but Snart was still standing. He did not seem phased by my intention to distract him. Unknown to me, there were more heroes than just Superman in Metropolis.
  I spotted a woman guiding workers from the Daily Planet and rushed over and helped her out.

  She sent me a grateful look but hugged me and squealed saying,"BARRY, IT'S BEEN SO LONG! Why are you here?"

  I facepalmed at realizing it was Y/N and she giggled, before she immediately frowned. I looked at her in confusion. I turned my attention towards a mirror on a car and saw a reflection of something heading towards our direction. I immediately grabbed Y/N and pushed her out of the way.
  Y/N sent me a soft smile, but then she groaned. I noticed her arm looked dislocated a little bit. I sighed, because Superman wouldn't be happy about that. Speaking of Superman, he flew in and dragged Leonard into a nearby restaurant. I hoped the owner had insurance on the place, because Superman may have just ruined his business for a little while..

  I laughed at the owner's reaction. It was priceless. However, the owner just sighed and thanked Superman for stopping Leonard from causing any more trouble in Metropolis. More importantly, near his restaurant.
  The police soon arrived, and the Lieutenant thanked me saying,"Thanks for working to help our city, Flash. We were not expecting to find you here, but we are glad you showed up when you did. Thank you.."

  I shook his hand and shrugged saying,"No problem, Lieutenant. I should probably check on everyone."

 Superman immediately gazed at Y/N. Once he spotted her, he quickly flew over to her, pulling her into his arms. I thought it was cute, until he had to kiss Y/N. It got a little awkward.

  I cleared my throat and Y/N pulled away from Superman, before I stood there and crossed my arms.

  Superman laughed and shook my hand saying,"I'm sorry about that, Barry, but I had to make sure Y/N was okay. How's Central City?"

   Y/N'S POV

  Superman and Flash quickly fell into their superhero conversations and I excused myself, before I felt someone tugging at my pants leg. I looked down and saw a young, little girl standing there.

  She asked me,"Can you help me?"

  I nodded and she took my hand, before I spotted someone in the rubble. I immediately prayed hard that they were still alive, before I pushed it away and spotted..Dad.
  No...Tears immediately formed in my eyes and I did not understand how he got here or why he was here? I immediately checked his pulse and he was still breathing; however, he did not look too good.

  I took his hand and weakly said,"Hey.."

  Dad slowly opened his eyes and weakly said,"Hey, Darling. I..I got a little stuck.."

  I chuckled weakly and squeezed his hand saying,"I noticed. Dad, you're gonna be fine, okay? CLARK!!"

  Superman rushed over to Dad's side and gave me a kiss saying,"I'm going to go take him to the hospital. Everything will be all right, I promise."

  I nodded and Dad kissed my forehead, before Superman flew him to the hospital. I bet it was awkward for Dad having another man holding him, which just brought a smile to my face.
  I stopped smiling when I was ambushed by the press, so I pushed and shoved as hard as I could to get out of there. Once I did, I quickly got in my car and drove back to my house.

  I took a nice warm bath, before I got ready for bed and waited for Clark to send me any news on my father.

  Clark soon replied saying,"He was sent into immediate care, but he is responding. Sweetheart, I know this is hard for you, but I will be glad to stay here with him and make sure he gets the treatment he needs. Please get some rest and I love you."

  I responded back, and I knew that I was blessed with having Clark by my side. I knew he would keep his word, so I should really get some sleep.
  I winced at feeling something enter my neck. When it did, I began to feel drowsy and everything went black.

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