(Chpt.12-02) Tracking🔎

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"Well you go do that okay and after you find out, we need to talk about something before you go and look for her..."

"Okay. I'll be back" I said, leaving her in the living room to go into her bedroom.

I dug through my pants I got from the jail and picked up my cracked IPhone. Still remembering the pin number, I typed it in and went into my contacts. Clicking on the letter K, I scrolled down until her contact came about. In which I went into and called her number, hoping she'll answer.

It rung four times until she answered thankfully. "Jacob?"

"Hey...Lan. How are you?"

"Uh I'm great, how are you?"

"Uh...still a piece of shit" I chuckled.

She laughed at my joke. "Nah, you just fucked up my man....., which is what we humans tend to do best"

"Ain't that the truth, so I'm out of jail now since my mom came to bail me out. But I couldn't help but to noticed that Dyme didn't live where she used to, you wouldn't happen to know where she is would you?"

"Well of course I do, she is my girl. But.....I don't think she wants you to know where she is, I thought you two were over. For real this time..."

I sighed. "Yeah...we are but I just can't give up on her like that. I love her way too much to do that, I was dying in jail without her and this is all I planned on doing when I got out. Was to go and get my girl back.....go and get my family back. I know I fucked up bad but I'm sorry and I just wanna make it better. Its not like I did it on purpose, the real Jay would never hit her...but then he also had to suffer because he did somehow. I know you trying to keep her secret safe but please Kel. I need to make this right again, I wanna see my kids..." I confessed.

".........Oh she's going to kill me if I tell you but you know I always really liked you two together. But if you fuck this up again Jay, I'm a kick ya ass personally Aight, I can't have you fucking up my best friend. That girl's a wreck without you too. She's doing fine but....I know she's struggling over you. Her and I came back to California, she lives in Long Beach though....on........street with the blue house and basketball court outside near the driveway. You can't miss it..."

"Thank so much lan, I owe you..."

"Just take care of my best friend aight, that'll be more than enough payment"


"She's in Long Beach" I said, stepping into the living room again.

"California? Hmm, smart. I haven't been there since I was a little little kid"

"Well if I move in there with her just say, you think you can move down there too. Now that you're out....I just really want my mother around me as much as possible"

"Awwweee, my big baby. You missed you mommy?"

I blushed. "Yeah, I really did..."

"Well we'll see okay, but...let's talk about money. Now I know you just found out about us getting the money back but......you're not getting full access to it. None of you are since you all were too stupid to let it get stolen in the first place. So I have all the money transferred into my one account. I gave Adri some, Kaila and now you can have SOME. But since you just got out of jail, I'll give you a little more. So heres the plan. I'll pay for flight to California and carfare afterwards. I'll even give you the money to buy the girl a ring, since you are going to make her my daughter in law someday but that's it. When you get to Cali, you have to find a job and make your own damn money. I know it's quite harsh but let this be a lesson to appreciate the value of money, since none of you did while I was in rehab"

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