(Chpt.11-06) Abuse🤜

Start from the beginning

(Jacob's Pov)
*Knock on the door*🚪

Waiting for an answer, I peeked in through her peep hole, seeing her surprising looking at me too.

"Diya! Open up, I can see you" I said.

She opened the door after that and stood right in the doorway to block me. "What the fuck...do you want?" She cursed at me.

"I wanna see my daughter! So let me fucking see her" I answered her.

"No! You're not coming in my house right now! Especially not like that!" She pointed her finger towards me.

"Let me see my daughter yo! You always tryna take her away from me!" I yelled, getting angrier by her rude-ass tone. ...man fuck this bitch.

"Jay...just leave. You can not see her right now nor me. Maybe tom--"

"Get the fuck out my way!" I yelled, pushing her out the way and going into the house anyways. ...Fuck she thought this was.

"Are you fucking crazy! Get the fuck out of my house" She started to grab the back of my neck as I walked.

Out of anger, I gripped her up and threw her skinny-ass into the wall somewhere. Hearing glass shattering immediately once she fell down. She lucky I ain't throw her into more shit. Grabbing on me like she fucking crazy.....stupid ass bitch.

I walked up the stairs untouched and turned the corner of the hallway to go to my daughter's room.

"Jay stop it! She's asleep...leave her alone" I heard that bitch behind me again.

"Nah I'm taking her yo, since you done with me!" I pushed her back again and went inside anyways.

"Stop fucking pushing me!" She punched me slightly in the face, just as I got to the crib.

I picked up Des anyways and awoken her from her sleep, still being attacked by her mama annoyingly.

"Get off of her Jay! Put her down!" She grabbed around my neck from behind, applying pressure.

"Agh! You tryna choke me now! Watch me choke you bitch!" I used my other hand to grab her throat tightly, pinning up her against the wall with my hold.

"Agghh-Jay..........stop--" she gasped, grabbing my hand with both of her hands.

"Nope....who the fuck you tryna choke!" I squeezed tighter, watching her turn purple in the face as her mouth stayed open and eyebrows raised.

"--Jay...stop.....you're hurting me--please" she cried.

I let go forcefully and punched her in face with my fist, watching her fall to the ground and hold on to her cheek. Holding Des upside down by her feet, I looked at her mama again, seeing her looking up with a black eye and bleeding from a cut on the cheek now. I forgot I had a ring on...

*baby cries*🚼😭

"Jay please. ....please don't drop her.... Please put my daughter down" She continued to cry.

What was she talking about? I was just holding her right. By her legs right? Ugh. I don't know.

I looked down at her crazily, knowing I wasn't doing anything wrong. "I just wanted to see her yo.....what's wrong with you?" I turned her from upside down, hearing her just crying and crying away.

"Mommy!" she cried.

"Why you want yo mommy girl? Daddy's here" I said, smiling at her. ...I gotta pretty baby.

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