Part 84

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Lola froze at my touch, and the young black and white cat flicked his ears back in disapproval. The moment seemed to last for an eternity. At last, she pulled the music-making wires from her ears, and looked about until she saw me behind her. Her eyes sprung wide and she blinked, dropping her book to the floor.

I smiled feebly, terrified, unsure what to say. The others had been so much easier, but not this. Not my nightingale.

She returned my smile, and her eyes began to water, as did mine. But what she finally said cut right to the point. She shook her head, "Andy... how are you here? Are you alright?"

I forced a wide grin. "Will you not embrace me, after so long?"

Lola stood and walked to me slowly before hugging me firmly about the waist. I could sense her conflict, her fear, and, devastatingly, a small ray of hope. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her, allowing myself just a moment of happy reunion before I pressed on. I was careful not to damage either the roses or bones.

She pulled back and led me by the hand to sit next to her on the divan. "Now, Andy. Talk." I should have expected her to be so straightforward. She never had been one to prevaricate.

I set Lola's bones on the table, and held out the roses to her. "I swore to you that I would keep these safe for you. I have never forgotten that promise. Please take them; they are yours. I have also brought the bones from your wings. They belong with you."

She accepted the roses carefully. Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears as she went to put them somewhere before returning, her composure fully regained. She tilted her head to the side with a small smile, "You haven't answered my questions."

I ran my hands through my hair, needing the soothing feel of the strands against my claws. "I am here solely with the intervention of the Creator. It's a long story, my n..." I swallowed the pet name that had come so easily, unbidden, to my lips. It was wrong, now that I was in love with another woman.

I scowled, more ashamed for all I'd done than ever before. Lola waited patiently, her dark, brown eyes searching mine. "I want you to know that, the moment I leapt from my window, I regretted it."

Not wanting her to get the wrong idea, as I felt her flicker of hope gain strength, I rushed ahead awkwardly. "Lols, I know what love is, now. I do love you, but not as you love me. I love you like family, like one loves a friend."

She pressed her lips together firmly and nodded just slightly, but I could taste the acrid flavor of her inner, emotional reaction. It was the most terrible thing I could remember ever tasting. "I'm so sorry! Apologies aren't enough, I know, but I've come to beg your forgiveness for my terrible treatment-"

Lola cocked her head. "-What? But why?Y ou only did exactly as expected. I knew what would happen, you did not deceive me."

A bleak despair gripped my throat in spiny fingers. "Because, of thousands, perhaps millions of women, you were the most unworthy of such a terrible fate. My hubris and lack of empathy led me to disregard your welfare; I thought only of myself, until it was far too late."

A Demon's RegretOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant