Part 4

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I was surprised to see the Andy-man-thing waiting for me patiently outside my bedroom. I had wondered if I had hallucinated him. I supposed that could still be the case, really.

He grinned at me ferally, cocking his head. "Pray show me your balcony, mistress, that you may indulge your sinful craving." Honestly, the way he said it, it sounded like he was suggesting something absolutely scandalous. He had such an incredible voice! How he had known I'd been hankering for a smoke I wasn't sure, but he was clearly some kind of alien, fairy, or maybe demon?

I couldn't even make eye contact; I was embarrassed to be thinking so appreciatively about someone clearly outside of my own species. I doubted he'd actually truly welcome the attention. Andy's kind, whatever that was, was most likely just naturally flirtatious. I wondered why such a bizarre creature was really here, and was surprised to feel very little fear. "Sure." I led him onto the balcony and tried to collect my thoughts.

So... Some otherworldly or supernatural being was here- a sexy one. Why? Did he come from another galaxy, fairy land, or, eh, Satan? Did Satan exist? Would bumming a smoke from this guy doom my soul? Did souls exist?

Ultimately, I decided that, if the fate of my soul was determined by the smoking of one cigarette, than I was already screwed. Hopefully weird Satan-cigarettes weren't laced with drugs.

More likely, honestly, Andy-man was an alien. Maybe he was a genetic hybrid thing. I wondered if he was going to abduct me, perhaps probe me... Shit; don't think about that!

I figured, though, if cat-man wanted to kill me, he probably would have already. I bet he could bitch-slap with that tail like an angry iguana!

Andy offered me one of his strange cigarettes, took one for himself, lit mine, and then his, with his crazy igniting thumb claw. He exhaled, then smiled, and it was dazzling. "I see very well that my appearance here vexes and concerns you, my sweet peach. Do not be troubled, I hate to see your lovely brow so creased. With me, you may always speak your mind and be at ease. Please," Andy stepped closer, putting his free hand over the hand I had resting on the railing, "I insist."

I stared at our hands, dumbstruck, as Andy ran his clawed thumb over my knuckles. I glanced up at him, and he licked he lips before smiling again and releasing my hand. He turned around and started pacing along the balcony, tail whipping like an agitated cat's. Dang, look at that butt in those tight pants! I sucked more cigarette in, unsure what to say, as I tried not to get caught staring.

After a while, the fascinating Andy-man came to rest, and, putting both hands on the ledge, snorted a billowing cloud of smoke out both nostrils. Seemingly a lot more than he had inhaled, which made me grin.

He turned and looked at me, and I quickly looked away. "Why do you always look away from me so when I speak? Am I so repulsive?" I shook my head, smiling at the side of the building. "If you are more comfortable as such, very well. Just know that I am very vain, and would love to know how to earn the gaze of those lovely eyes. Even now I wilt and feel ugly, that you avert them so at every opportunity."

I glanced quickly at Andy. He was staring at me in a way that made me feel like I needed some time alone with my vibrator very soon.

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