Part 59

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I took the time before (Y/N) returned home from work to fill up my new Kaweco Sport Demonstrator with some of her Noodler's Ink, Black Swan in English Roses, then try to formulate an outline for all the things I had need to disclose to (Y/N):

(1) I am the trueborn son of the Devil
(2) I love you ?apologize?
(3) The Allfather has a plan

Immediately, I rejected my outline. Surely, it would be best if I dramatically, passionately revealed my feelings with a suitably romantic flourish first and foremost? To set a positive tone for the rest of the conversation? I drew an arrow to indicate the change.

And what if I were to forget all the pieces of the Allmighty's foul plan? Carefully, I thought all the aspects through, writing them down as they came to me.

(a) You must agree to aforementioned plan. (Ashley too)
(b) I am to be the heir to my Father's throne. (symbolic, might be fallout)
(c) I must embark on a quest to beg forgiveness from all my marks
(d) A lustful, immodest demon must remain as my proxy (something positive, like sense of humor. not that rivals?)

I frowned. Should I mention that (Y/N) and I meeting was no accident, that she was some manner of test? That all of this was a bloody test of essentially everyone? Pits, I'd forgotten to explicitly write down that my memories were hidden... I drew some arrows and added some chicken scratch notes on the sides.

Hmm... Unacceptable. I tore out the page and began anew.

(1) I love you (amorous, not despairing)
(2) I am the trueborn son of the Devil
(a) Memories hidden- returned
(b) Human mother (nice, name = Amy)
(3) The Allfather has agreed on a plan with my Father to break the contract, free me from my incessant hunger, and grant (Y/N) immortality. (check- immortality acceptable?)
(a) He had a hand in everything from the start, (Y/N) was a test. (mention you are glad)
(b) I am to be announced as the half-breed heir to my Father's throne (symbolic, possible fallout, etc.)
(c) I must embark on a heinous quest to beg forgiveness of all my living marks (might be gone some time)
(d) One of my brothers must remain here as my proxy. (good sense of humor. do NOT be seduced by him!)
(e) You and everyone else must agree. (only unsure of Ashley aside from my sweet cupcake. If he does not agree I will kill him.)

I looked at my outline and my hand trembled a bit. Having it all written down was a good idea; it was all so overwhelming.

With a frown, I disposed of my ruined clothes in the dustbin. Deciding that a saucy, lively look would surely be best, I summoned some tight-fitting leather pants from my home. Afterwards, I fed my rose from (Y/N) some excess energy, and replenished its water. It was faring quite well! With that, I went out to the balcony to ruminate.


(Y/N)'s timing was excellent, as I had just finished cleaning out my pen and set it to dry on the counter in the guestroom when she arrived back home. I heard her call from the entryway, "And- Ahhh!"

I materialized behind her and gave her a bit of a start. Immediately, I whipped out my paper and clutched it tightly, lest I lose it. "Most profound of apologies, my tender peach! I am merely over-eager to tell you what has transpired-"

(Y/N) held up a hand. "-Rush hour traffic was awful, can it wait until after I go to the bathroom?"

I scrunched my nose. "Will you not even kiss me, prior to-"

(Y/N) nestled right up to me and kissed me, of her own initiation! And she enjoyed it; I could taste the sweet curls of her happiness! Pleased, I started humming to myself as she put her purse on the coat rack and made her way to the lavatory.

I took a seat on the settee, feeling more hopeful about how things would go. In seemingly an instant, (Y/N) returned from the water closet. It always amazed me how quickly humans used the facilities! Surely it was all the practice they had...

I turned to watch (Y/N) pipping a soda pop open, and listened to its crisp, little bubbles joining the air around us. "Do you want one?"

Me? A soda pop? Curious, I assented. Careful not to puncture the package of the volatile, little thing with my claws, I used the newfangled tab to maneuver it open and sniffed at it. How the bubbles tickled my nose!

Cautiously, I sipped a bit. Hmm... very saccharine, but pleasant.

I set the can down and reviewed my outline. Abruptly I was filled with anxiety, my very skin seemed to crawl and I had the fleeting impulse to leave! I then had an immediate, inappropriate need to belch! I held my hand to my mouth, embarrassed, and I adjusted my hair before pressing on. This had to be done.

"Excuse me. Ahem. My empress, my Father did, indeed, come to visit today, for our meeting, as we discussed." (Y/N) nodded encouragingly. "What he had to say was, frankly, shocking to me. So much so, err..." I consulted my list, but hadn't made any notes about how to begin! Pits!

I swallowed. "I have a great deal to tell you. If I may be forthright, I fear it is so far-fetched, that you may not believe me. But I promise to tell you the truth."

(Y/N) nodded again, though she looked sad. Perhaps she thought I was being summoned back home? Not exactly...

"You see, it seems that, well, and I hope you will accept..." (Y/N) was looking more and more unhappy as I spoke, and I started to panic. This was not going how I'd hoped at all!

I stood up and started pacing nervously. (Y/N) called from her seat, "Andy, what is it? You can tell me."

I coiled my tail up tightly and steeled myself for whatever might come. "I love you; I've fallen in love with you."

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