Part 18

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I just stared at Andy for a moment. I had no idea what to say! My deep-rooted insecurities were completely incompatible with what Andy, the incredibly slick, attractive, charismatic, altogether sexy demon, was saying.

It seemed impossible that he could want me at all, but so much that it hurt him? Why didn't he just leave if he was hungry? My inner self-doubt was, of course, trying to revolt at the thought that Andy might actually find me special or different in any way, even above-average. And yet, there he was, looking totally, abjectly miserable.

If I was being honest with myself, he looked more than just unhappy. He looked... ill. Thin and really pale. For a moment there I had even...

"Andy..." I didn't know what I thought yet-

Andy looked up at me, and startled me by reaching out quickly for one of my hands. His expression cycled rapidly from disappointment to irritation as he stood up, a little wobbly on his feet, still holding my hand.

"Curses, (Y/N)! I have never, not ever, rolled over and revealed my fleshy, pink, underbelly to a human!" What? Andy's tummy was pretty damned slim and pale, and I was sure lots of women-

He rolled his eyes and snorted, minuscule curls of smoke coming out of each nostril. "Meaning, (Y/N), that I am frustrated that I have shared with you, truthfully, my debilitated state, and yet you do not believe me. You have destroyed my natural working order, the balance of my life, and now I am literally dying to have you!"

Andy caressed my cheek with his other hand. "Something is terribly wrong with me, (Y/N). It is not just pride that keeps me from leaving, I think you've made me unwell. That must be. Normally, women are eager for me, but you barely tolerate me."

Andy sighed, and I couldn't help but notice that his fingers really were incredibly, unnaturally slender. With a terrible sense of alarm, I realized Andy had noticeably lost weight just since entering the bathroom! His hips protruded above his pants like they never had before, it was a good thing he was wearing a belt!

Andy smiled sadly, still holding my hand. "I never believed in destiny, but maybe I was wrong. Perhaps my time is up. If that is the case, I am so glad the Fates sent me to you, as the way to end me, my sweet nectarine."

Shit! Andy's eyes were sunken in! I had to do something! He just looked at our hands sadly and interlaced our fingers. Softly, he tugged my hand to his lips to kiss it, and I saw his lips had visibly thinned! He seemed to be so weak, he had given up!

"No! Andy!" He smiled dimly at me, tottering on his feet, and I watched, horrified, as some of his hair floated to the floor.

I pulled my hand roughly out of his and pushed him against the door. Andy barely reacted, just closing his eyes and nodding, now feeling a bit cold in my hands. I tried not to go into a panic attack when I noticed how prominent his ribs had suddenly become; if I didn't enjoy this, Andy would die!

Grabbing his head, I kissed him, hoping he'd get the hint. For a moment, he seemed too weak and dazed, and responded only sluggishly as he grew colder.

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