Part 78

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I had a much lesser need for sleep than my human host, so I found myself with times at night not unlike those during the day, when (Y/N) was at work, where I had to amuse myself. However, being that she lived in a fucking apartment complex, I had to do so quietly. (Y/N) had set me up on her computer with some headphones, and showed me how to go from video to video on the internet, so that I could watch Drag Race's Untucked. I had started to get into the show despite myself. I just really liked the fashion design aspect of the whole drag spectacle. Some of the competitors were really inventive.

I was enjoying an episode when something got my attention, struck me as off, though I couldn't immediately put my paw on it. I paused the show and took my ear buds out, and without the distraction, I was able to pinpoint it. I could hear someone moving around the main room, but I hadn't seen (Y/N) come out of her bedroom.

I concentrated, and I could smell unfamiliar, male human. A nervous, excited one. At this time of night, it was doubtlessly an intruder.

I grinned. This might make a mess, but it would certainly be a festive way to break up the monotony.

I crept silently from the guest bedroom, and I could feel my jaws expanding, my crushing muscles gaining strength, my teeth lengthening. My stomach was turned by what I saw as I peeped down the hall. There was a short, bulky man dressed all in dark green, meticulously arranging a set of knives on a tarp he had set out on the floor. I saw duct tape, rope, and an uncapped, loaded syringe sitting next to the tarp. I lost my temper.

I lunged at the man, taking him completely by surprise and bowling him over onto his back. His surprise was refreshing on my taste buds, almost carbonated. He cried out and I felt him stab me with something in the back as he wrapped his arms around me as though in greeting. It hurt, but I knew it would heal easily enough.

Keeping in mind that I needed to keep the volume down, I pawed his face aside and bent to rip out his windpipe with my teeth. It was stringy and cartilaginous, so I spat it out rather than chew on it. His pain and horror were a disastrously awful flavor, so I did my best to ignore that and focus on the task at hand.

The man was flailing wildly, useless air whistling from the hole in his neck, as he bled out. Things were going too slowly for my taste, so I moved to take a bit out of his fleshy midsection and eviscerate him, to speed things along. Once I got past the fat, I decided I didn't care for his entrails either, so I just spat those out too. What a waste, he tasted awful! He had to take terrible care of himself!

He got lucky and managed to slap me with a wet hand as he struggled, which was irritating, but overall he was quickly fading. I couldn't help but feel pleased with myself! I had saved Andy's human from a doubtless horrific murder! I wagged my tail in satisfaction.

After a few minutes of wet bubbling as I sat on his thighs, the man stopped moving, and I could no longer taste his suffering. It was then that I realized I still had a knife sticking out of my back. Hmm.

Trying not to make even more of a mess, I took off my bloody pants and placed them on the tarp. Luckily, my feet were still in decent shape, so I didn't have to worry about leaving footprints. Gingerly, I made my way to (Y/N)'s bedroom as I felt my face rearranging to something more socially acceptable.

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