Part 50

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I had difficulty sleeping Saturday night, as my mind wandered. Was my brain actually being transformed into that of a human woman? If so, did that mean I was becoming mortal? And what matters did the Boss Man wish to discuss?

That led me to a strange hypothesis: even the Dark Lord had spoken in quite the familiar, dare I say, almost sympathetic tone recently. Could it be that the entirety of the Underworld was being overcome by some strange illness, that it was not solely I?

The thought chilled me to the bone, and I wrapped my tail closer about me. What would happen if the lot of us, even the mighty Shaitan, wanted to huddle under the covers so many hours out of the day? I found myself wondering if the armies of Aten were also affected, or if the Netherworld would be left as sitting ducks, ripe for conquest.

Abruptly, I realized I was absolutely nettled, a veritable ball of insecurity and anxiety! I scowled into my squishy pillow. This illness, transformation, plague, whatever it was, it was rendering me effeminate and whiney! That just wouldn't do! I was not some trembling worm!

I might have become a slave to (Y/N)'s affections against my will, but that didn't mean I was destined to become a puny runtlet that wept all day and night long! Even if I was developing a woman's brain- human women were not all sniveling weaklings and slaves to their emotions. Doubtless, (Y/N) would reject me if I continued along this course.

I was, after all, still an elite demon! I had done very bold, decidedly masculine things on countless occasions previously. None came to mind, but that was beside the point. I was a virile, potent force to be reckoned with.

And what if many foreign emotions and fears beset me, attempting to make me cower and give up? Well, then I would fight them courageously! I would become their master! Or perhaps, mistress, but that was a minor point...

Tomorrow, I would dazzle (Y/N) with my sensual charms, and I would banish these strange insecurities to the furthest part of my mind! I would glut myself on her delectable sensations, and worry no more about the future. Clearly it served no purpose!

I pressed my lips together, firmly resolved to seduce (Y/N) and take her like a beast as soon as she woke. Well, at least until I started to drift off, when I started to think about how good she smelled and tasted, how pleasant it was to be around her. And she made such fine waffles! She had excellent taste in fountain pens too.

Before losing consciousness, I reasoned that it was an attainable goal to remain fierce and resilient at least until Monday, when (Y/N) left to go to her workplace once again. Then, I supposed, it wasn't excessive to pout just a bit...


I looked blearily around as I rubbed the sleep pebbles from the corners of my eyes. Reluctantly, I felt my abdomen, and was pleased to find that I hadn't become overly misshapen overnight. Excellent!

It seemed that (Y/N) had woken up before me. I peered at a clock and discovered why: it was 2 pm! I groaned, irritated that I had missed out on so much time with (Y/N) merely for the sake of slumber, a luxury I did not truly require. I scorched away my morning breath, careful to be brief; doubtless there were smoke detectors throughout the house.

I was still a bit dopey and lethargic from such a long slumber, so I decided to just walk down the hallway from (Y/N)'s bedroom. I dimly recalled my plan from the previous night, and resolved to charm the clothes right off of her and lure her back to her bedroom as soon as possible.

I found my delicate, little peach reading a book, seated by the windows. She looked up as I approached, and I was well pleased both by her devoted expression and the sensation of her adoration. "Andy! Good morning."

I saw her face turn pink from my obscenely obvious 'morning' tumescence, and decided it provided an excellent opening. I wrapped my tail around my pecker and stroked myself a few times as I grinned at her rakishly. "My delicious minx, what a privilege it is to see your smile. I confess I am rife with unclean thoughts of you. Positively wicked..."

I moved closer to her, liking the taste of her lusty agitation, how her blush turned even darker. "Am I so lucky that you will favor me with your company in the boudoir?"

(Y/N) averted her eyes shyly and I was having none of it! I poked her nose lightly with my tail and feigned a scandalized expression. "I beg you for your carnal favors, and in response, you will not even gaze upon me! Look at what you've done; now I die!"

I threw myself to the ground and held my hands over my heart. "Will you miss me, my empress?" I grinned at (Y/N), and once I was sure she was looking at me, I wrapped my tail around my erection again and gave it a few good tugs. Her merriment and warm laughter made my chest feel as though it expanded exponentially, into infinity, filled with something earnest and true.

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