Part 17

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I held the washcloth to my face, feeling my cheekbones protruding more than they should, and quickly ran through my options in my head. I had thought long and hard about the situation while I was on the balcony. I had known that, as one of my kind, it weakened me to have unfulfilled cravings of my own. On a much smaller scale, I'd felt energy being sapped from me on occasion before now. But now, I coveted (Y/N) so badly, I was afraid it might literally be the end of me if I didn't either get what I wanted or leave and feed somewhere else, and soon.

But I had decided that leaving wasn't an option. (Y/N) was MINE, I had to have her. My instinct told me that, deep down, she truthfully wanted me. Surely I hadn't lost my ability to read women so completely that I was wrong? I just had to get her consent, somehow help her let go of the foolish notion she had that she wasn't worthwhile.

I had already abased myself before her. Perhaps if I showed her how vulnerable I had become, she would part her luscious thighs for me? Human women often liked a touch of sensitivity in a man. I resolved to try it. It was all I had left, I could feel myself growing faint from the hunger.

I handed (Y/N) the washcloth and gave her a wide-eyed look. "I ask that you hear me out, as unbelievable as you may find my explanation. I'm in quite a predicament, and I am wholly at your mercy, my sweet siren."

(Y/N) looked concerned as she took the washcloth and nodded for me to continue. I sighed, thinking through my words carefully. I had to make them count, I had the feeling time was short. "I know you think the compliments I give you are false, that my praise is some sort of treachery or 'bullshit.' That is not the case, unfortunately for me."

(Y/N) raised a defiant eyebrow, but I raised a finger and cut her off, out of time for an argument. "-I can tell because I can, after a fashion, sense a few of your emotions, sometimes the heart of your thoughts, because your feelings are so potent, (Y/N). They are fiercer, deeper, and stronger than any woman I've ever met. It is most revealing when we are touching."

(Y/N)'s mouth opened in disbelief. I thought for a moment, struggling for an example she might recall. Ah! "It's how I knew you wanted a cigarette, when we met." Her eyes widened. I pointed at her. "You are starting to believe me now." Both of her eyebrows shot up. Good, I was making progress!

"My point is that I give flattering remarks that are truthful. I don't know how to prove that, so I hope you will just believe me. I haven't said many of the things I've said to you to any other woman, ever, because I am completely captivated by you, (Y/N). I came to you, starving, and you really are the most delectable woman I've ever encountered."

I was so famished, my stomach rumbled. I stood just to be a little closer to (Y/N), and my voice rose just a little. I was ravenous! It was painful now, a dull ache. "While your kisses are powerful and help to stave off the hunger, my desire to take you as a man is driving me crazy, (Y/N)! After you left, I was driven to pleasuring myself!"

Now I was angry at myself all over again. I scowled. "Do you know how humiliating that is, for my kind to masturbate? That was meant for you, I wanted, desperately, to fill you with my seed, and you don't even want me, (Y/N)! You refuse me! You signed a contract and yet you spurn my advances!"

I was shocked to realize I was almost shouting and my eyes were filling with tears. Embarrassed, I calmed my tail and took a breath, feeling even weaker after my ridiculous tantrum. I glanced at (Y/N), who just looked shocked. I soldiered on, ashamed. "I apologize. I just, I don't even remember the last time I engaged in such behavior. And it took so much energy, made me so incredibly hungry again. So hungry."

I sat down on the closed toilet seat, no longer able to stand easily. It took a moment for me to focus on what I needed to say. At least the pain from my belly was fading. "Also..."

What was I talking about? All I could focus on was how I longed for (Y/N) and how much she didn't want me. I closed my eyes to rest for just a moment.

"Andy?" I felt (Y/N)'s touch on my hand, she was worried, suddenly terrified. I opened my eyes with an effort and made myself grasp her hand firmly. Ah! The joy she felt at my touch, it ran through my whole body! I squeezed it gratefully for a moment before letting go and sitting up a little straighter.

"I am a desire demon, (Y/N). It is draining for me to have such a powerful, unfulfilled wish of my own. Every moment that passes, the more I get to know you, the more I covet your carnal embrace, to pleasure your body with mine! Yet the more time that goes by without that happening, without some other, significant way for me to feed, I'm being drained dry. It is why I look so... haggard."

I frowned as I stared at my feet. "(Y/N), I'm am afraid I will die if you don't want me." Indeed. I wasn't lying; I was quite concerned. Even if I could, I knew I would never leave to go feed elsewhere; though, why, I couldn't say. And how could she possibly want me in this state?

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