Part 60

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(Y/N)'s eyes narrowed; she was up and on me in a flash! "You fucker!"


I stood there, like an idiot, my face stinging from her slap. Why-

"How dare you lie to me, after you promised to tell the truth! And how DARE you lie about that!" She pointed at me, accusatory. "Love is not a trivial matter, you wouldn't understand-"

And just like that, I lost my temper. I quelled the flames that tried to shoot out my mouth, but I felt them licking at the tips of my ears. "-No! It is YOU who does not understand! I am the heir to the Netherworld, the trueborn son of the Diabolus, and yet you question..."

Just as I was getting started, I saw (Y/N) had begun to cry furious, silent tears. Her crying immediately extinguished my anger and I felt my lethal heart breaking. "No-no-no; do not cry! I swear I am truthful..."

And yet (Y/N) put her head in her hands and began to sob! I tried to embrace her, but she shoved me away! "Get off me! You're just mocking me! That's just sick; I never thought you'd do this."

Desperate, I formulated a contract the swiftest I ever had in my life. It was simple. "I, Andrew, son of Christopher, am in love with (Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

It had barely materialized before I looked around, crazed, for a pen. I saw nothing! Frantic, I stabbed the claw of my right pointer finger into my left palm, then dipped it in the blood that came seeping out. "What the fuck, Andy?"

I ignored her, and signed my name. There. If it were not true, if I did not truly love (Y/N), I would cease to exist.

I blinked, confident but still frightened. Nothing happened, and I felt a keen sense of relief. "This is yours, as is my heart." I handed (Y/N) the scroll, unrolled, as it dried.

I watched her carefully as she read it. Her expression did not change. She walked slowly over to the coffee table and set it down flat, face-up, my blood still wet on the surface.

(Y/N) turned to look at me, her eyes filled with tears once again. "You really do love me?"

Clenching my fist closed to try and stop the bleeding, I stared her in the eye. "Yes."

She didn't move for a moment. I pointed at the contract, "If that were not accurate I would- umph!" (Y/N) ran to me and hugged me tightly, trembling against me.

I enfolded her in my arms, never so happy in my life! She looked up at me, grinning so gaily, I felt as though a colony of bats had taken flight in my chest! "I love you too!"

For an instant, I lost myself in her (Y/E/C) eyes. I had never felt such a deep, profound connection as in that moment. Wordlessly, I lowered my lips to hers for the sweetest kiss imaginable. A kiss shared in love.

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