Part 8

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I rolled the signed paper into a tight, neat curl, then burned it in my fist. Admittedly, that was purely for show, the Big Man needed no hard copies once the act was performed; the commitment had been made. But I had learned, over the years, that a little bit of mysterious pomp and circumstance helped to emphasize the finality of the situation to my new queen-for-an-as-yet-to-be-determined-length-of-time.

Well, this time, I supposed, I actually did have a hideously, unseemly-long minimum most definitely determined. But, so help me, I would last the next month and feast on her sweet suffering if the bloody Rapture came upon us, heralding the Apocalypse! Boss man hadn't said anything or looked particularly busy over the last week, though, so it seemed highly unlikely. But even so, should it come, (Y/N) had just made a bargain that ensured she wouldn't be going anywhere, I imagined, at least not right away. We'd have plenty of time. So long as I stuck it out for a month, she was MINE forever. I could almost taste the purity of her tears already!

As our deal went up in flames, I was actually a bit charmed to see (Y/N) smile with delight. She had a very pretty, shy smile. Most women shrieked and recoiled in horror when I ignited our contract. "Wonderful!" She looked up at me with very bright, (Y/E/C) eyes, full of enthusiasm.

I gave her my best smile. "Indeed you are! Let us wash your wounded finger, and provide it with the care it deserves. You must tend to such beautiful skin with care, lest it grow leathery and hard like mine."

Many women, by this point, were tearing my clothes off and giving me instructions on exactly how to service them, as though I couldn't read their bodies like instruction manuals. Occasionally, there were a few airheads who were frightened of the flaming contract and needed comforting. Banter was... uncommon.

(Y/N) fell right into my ploy as she let me take her hand and walk her to the sink. "Your skin isn't hard-"

I tutted her, "My dear, when your silky skin presses against mine, or your full lips caress my own, parts of me swiftly take on that characteristic. Your touch alone beseeches my body to act in haste, it clouds my mind to the point where speech becomes difficult. Your honeyed lips left me only able to grunt, as I recall."

(Y/N) blushed as she washed her hands in the sink. It was a high sink for her, and she bent over slightly to use it. If kissing (Y/N) alone had been enough to temporarily soothe my hunger pangs, I could hardly wait to fuck her, to play her body like a piano. I bet I could get a real meal between her legs, just by bringing her to orgasm. Though my stomach no longer pained me, it still felt abnormally taut and empty. I didn't care for that.

And, truthfully, though I hadn't really thought about it, I hadn't gotten off in a while. (Y/N) would be a very fine way to break my drought. She really did have soft skin, was very well made, and I could tell she was exceptionally well lubricated. Unusual, but I found myself looking forward to the act of sowing my seed. Perhaps because it had been so long?

I contemplated her fine ass and wondered if she liked anal. Whether she did or not, I'd definitely have to position her, while I was in one orifice or another, so I could watch-

"Andy?" She turned, smiling in her habitually demure fashion.

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