Part 54

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Breaking with all the conventionalisms I'd ever been taught, I couldn't stop myself from breaking into a hearty laugh. That was a good one! But Mara wasn't laughing?

He, he looked... concerned. "But, my liege, that's not possible." Hades' expression was still soft and troubled. I didn't understand. "But I'm a desire demon. My purpose is to gain the love of others, not to feel it myself." His expression only grew more chary.

Starting to feel a bit of panic at the mere suggestion that what he had said was true, my voice grew louder and higher in pitch. "I can't love anyone!"

He reached out and patted me on the arm! Pits! What the deuce was going on?!? "Let me put it to you this way, Andy. You know that I am the first among devils in our realm, right?"

I sputtered. "Of course! You are the Dark Savior, the most wicked among the foul, the potentate of all evil! I revel in your shadow!"

Satan chuckled lightly at that. "Uh, thanks. But if you believe that, what would you say if I told you that I am in love? Right now?"

I felt like I'd taken a heavy blow to the face. The Dark Lord, in love? I accidentally hit an end table with my tail as I unconsciously swung it wildly, and it throbbed. I was silent for a spell, as I simply couldn't think of anything to say.

My entire existence had been shaken. My voice came out unevenly. "Are you certain?"

The Devil nodded. "Yes. And I love others, as well; I have since before you were born."

The Big Man, moonstruck by Cupid's arrow?!? Born? Born! I blinked heavily, my whole mind in revolt.

The Fallen Angel of Darkness looked apologetic. "Andy... You are my son, my trueborn son. And I love both you and your mother."

Lies! I struggled in vain to keep my temper in check. "Why would you say such a thing? Demons have no nuclear families! Everyone knows that! My brethren are my family, but only in our resolve-"

Hades held up a hand, and I fell silent, gritting my teeth so hard my jaw hurt. "Andy, any being is capable of love, even me. And I can prove I'm telling the truth."

My pulse beat madly in my throat and my mouth went dry. I had never thought the day would come when my Creator would expect me to believe such transparent lies! Did he think me a fool? "Forgive me, but any reasonable verification would have to be ironclad for me to-"

Belial leaned forward. "-I told you I could prove it, son. I will return to you the memories that have been hidden."

With that, his large hand shot out and grabbed my forehead so securely, it was as though his claws were made of tungsten! I was petrified for an instant, before the flood came.

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