Chapter 131 - Beauty and the Beast

Start from the beginning

We all grab hands as security opens the doors, being flooded by paparazzi.






They all scream different questions left and right as I hold onto Michael harder, as security pushes past the large crowd, and flashing lights  gathering around making it hard to get to the car.

I feel Michael pull me closer to him, when my grip tightens on his hand. I wasn't going to front...I was terrified.

I suddenly feel myself being lifted from the ground, my grip from Michael's hand being yanked away roughly as I scream out.

"You better tell Michael to watch it."  a voice in my ear whispers as I kick and thrash wildly.

"Hey!! Put her down!" Michael yells as I'm dropped roughly in the sea of paparazzi and fans. Michael immediately rushes over scooping me up in his arms as he practically sprints to the car.

"I want you to find that guy." Michael hisses angrily to Wayne before getting in the car with me. As soon as the door closes Michael looks over at me, his eyes filled with worry.

"Oh god, Winnie. Are you okay?" he asks as I nod shakily. He looks me over seeing my arms bruised from the man picking me up roughly. My knee was scratched from when he dropped me, but other then that I was okay.

"I'm so so sorry, Winnie." he whispers painfully. "Did you get a look at his face or anything?"

"N-no. He came from behind me." My voice trembles as I think of his words.

I wasn't scared. I was just shaken up from it all. It happened in such a blur and there was so much chaos.

"'ll be okay." Clifton says wrapping an arm around me.

"I'm fine. Really." I muster up a giggle. "Can we get some ice cream or something?" 

Michael raises an eyebrow at me as I shrug. "Hey, being famous makes me hungry." I flip my hair off my shoulder dramatically as Michael shakes his head letting out a soft laugh. 

"You definitely are Tatiana's sister." he chuckles. "How about we get something at the hotel tonight before we go to the concert tonight?"

"Sure." I grin slightly relieved that I didn't have to experience the chaos of Michael's media circus again. 


"Something happened. I can tell." Clifton mumbles as we sit on the bed eating, watching The Wonder Years. 

"What do you mean?" I look over at him as I chew on my hamburger. "I'm fine...really." 

"Winnie. You're my best friend. I know you, so spill." he stares me down as I sigh. 

"When that creep picked me up, he said to tell Michael to 'watch it." I mutter as Clifton's eyes widen. 

"He what? You have to tell him. Winnie, why didn't you say anything?! I'm telling Michael. I'm telling him about Karen, and everything else. This whole thing is getting dangerous and--" 

"Clifton! Please don't! Please!" 

"And why not?!" 

"Because! Come on, man!" I whine. "Where's your sense of adventure?!" 

"Where's your common sense?!"

"My common sense?!" I stand up angrily. 

"Yes your common sense! You're acting stupid! This is going too far!" he shouts back as he stands up as we come face to face. 

"I'm stupid?! You're just chicken! I've never seen a guy so scared all the time like you!" 

"I'm not chicken! I just don't want anything to happen to you! God, if you got hurt or had something happen to you like your sister and--" 

I immediately press my lips against his as he stops talking. It wasn't anything gross or gooey, it was a simple soft peck . I pull away as he stares at me in a complete daze. 

"Please let me do this. I promise nothing will happen to me, okay?" I stare at him as he continues to be in a daze adjusting his glasses. 

"Y-yeah...uh huh." he swoons as I giggle. 

"You okay?" I giggle as a goofy grin spreads across his face. 

"Uh huh." he continues smiling staring in space as I continue to giggle. 

"So you'll help me?"

"Y-yeah." he looks over at me as he continues to grin. "I mean we are Bonnie and Clyde right?"

"Right." I grin as we intertwine pinkies.  

Paul's POV

"Beep, Beep, Beep...." the alarm goes off as I immediately kick off the covers, turning it off. I grab my hoodie off the chair as I peek outside. 

Tonight was the night Latoya and I were going to escape. After days and many hours of planning and plotting...we were ready. 

"Are you ready?" I look up seeing LaToya at the door, with a duffle bag slung over her arm. 

"Let's do this." 


Will Michael ever tell Tatiana the truth?

Will Winnie and Clifton stay out of danger?

Will Paul and Latoya really break it out of the slammer?

There's only one thing to the next chapter!

And as for asking our characters questions....this is how I will do it. I'm going to list their names. Just comment what you want to ask them and they will answer in the next chapter.

List of Characters:












Jack Gordon:

Karen Faye:




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