trapped in the dark

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Troy ran off into some nearby tunnels leaving me standing in fright.
“W what do you want with me?” I yelled which cause echoes in the cave walls.

But Sam or should I say Thompson didn't answer he kept moving closer to me while staring into my eye.

“Who's that girl " I yelled while kindly walking backwards and watching Sam as he moved closer. Sam didn't answer he just kept staring with a sharp knife in his hand and before I knew it my back was caught against the wall, I had nowhere to go.

“ Sam p please don't hurt me, I love you,” and that's when I heard a familiar voice. It was Thompson, black liquid start running out of Sam's eyes. He put his both hands around me on the wall and then bent over to whisper into my ears.

“ She made me do it Moya.she did this, run before she comes back run." With those words I got up and ran off, I actually knew that it was Thompson and not Sam he looked so sad I thought as I ran trough the darkness.

Suddenly I bumped my toe on something hard and fell in some pile of bones. They were centuries old and had bite makes as if something was chewing on them, I did wait around to find out.
“ Troy! troy where the hell are you Coward?” although I was scared I had to try to make my way back thought the dark, that's when I heard it, the same poem but this time it was different.

Demons demons don't turn around. She'll kill you, she'll kill you and feast on your bones.

The poem echoed through the walls and sent chills down my entire body, it was silent and cold and it seems like I was the only one here for a split-second, it felt safe that's until I heard a lady crying by some rocks. Being used to these things I walked over and saw a young looking girl crying with her face in here hands.

“Hello,” I said while slowly stooping down to her level.“What's wrong with you?" I asked when Suddenly she stopped crying and looked up and me.

 “save me” she yelled. Her eyes were gone, and she was covered in bites but the odd thing was that she looked exactly like me.

“Moya!!! Run mammy's home" she said them disappeared.

Hearing that I started running again not knowing where I was going are even seeing a thing, that's when it came into sight, a small light just ahead of me.

That caused me to run a bit faster. Come home I heard a voice say coming from behind, slowly I looked around and saw Sam running towards me.

Within no time he caught up and punched at me causing me to fall face down then he grabbed my neck and squeezed it while mumblingm "mama needs you." I gave him a painful kick in the nuts, that caused him to fall on his back, Then I got up and continue running until I found the cave entrance, I ran out and found Troy waiting and crying outside I quickly grabbed hold of him and ran without looking behind.

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