the fire

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When I got home Sam was already picked up from the hospital.

I hurried up the stairs to the room he was staying but by the time I got there everyone was already gathered in the room.

It seems Sam was telling them about what had happened to him. To my surprise everyone turned and looked at me as he mentioned Thompson's name.

" What's going on here" I asked as they all stared at me with frustration in their eyes.

Kim walked over to me and hugged me while wiping away her tears that was flowing down her cheeks.
Sam sat up and looked at me while smiling.

" I'm sorry Moya but I had to tell them.It's for your own good, Thompson is dangerous, he wants you."sam said in very low voice".

I walked over to his bed and sat across him on a chair, he stared into my eyes while holding my hands. The next thing I knew was that our lips were touching each other. Everyone started to Cheer us on as Sam kissed me passionately.

After I agreed to be Sam's girlfriend we sat and talked about everything that had happened since I've moved here. Troy seems to think I'm somehow connected to the house in a way, he wants us to go back and check out the hidden room I found in the attic.

The other day troy decided that he couldn't wait to check my house, somehow it made him feel like a detective, stupid right?

We didn't want to go in the day, Kim suggested that at night we'd fine better clues. Poor Sam couldn't tag along because of his injuries.

The day grew wary and the time moved fast, by the time we were ready it was already 7:55 pm.

We took the part trough the forest and in no time we arrived at the house. It was dark and cold and the air smelt like gasoline.

Time was going and the house was creepy. Kim held troy hand as tight as she could while we entered the house.
I led the way to the attic where I found the floating piano, but as I entered the hidden room my body became numb.

Kim seems to notice the look on my face, she quickly grabbed my arm causing me to snap out of my trance.
" Are you okay Moya? We can turn back if you want okay."

"No she's fine, I bet its just the smell up here that's bothering her". Troy told Kim as we walked around in the dusty room searching for some kind of clue.

I walked over to the old piano and rubbed my hands across the keyboard, then out of nowhere the piano lit up in flames causing me to jump back in fright.

Troy grabbed Kim's arm and pulled her towards him in a protective kind a way. Then suddenly the entire room began to caught fire.

Kim pulled away from troy and ran over to a corner of the room, as soon as she got there I heard her scream in fright, I quickly ran after her but when I got over to where she was I saw her standing over something

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Kim pulled away from troy and ran over to a corner of the room, as soon as she got there I heard her scream in fright, I quickly ran after her but when I got over to where she was I saw her standing over something.

In curiosity, I peaked over to see her staring at a skeleton. It looked at least 7 years old, but I wasn't sticking around to find out.

Troy grabbed Kim a pulled her out of the attic and I fallowed behind them. We ran down the stairs and out the door just in time to see the entire house go up in flames.

Troy called 911, and we hurried home as fast as we could. So that we wouldn't get in trouble for a house we didn't burn.

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