the cave

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By the time I got outside Sam was already gone. Troy was still inside sitting on the floor trying to figure out what had just happened.

The morning was becoming foggy and I couldn't just let Sam run off into the dark woods like that although he was possessed. So without a doubt in mind I ran back inside then grabbed a torch and started making my way back down the stairs when I felt someone pulling me back from behind. I turned around with all the strength in my body and pushed as hard as I could, that's when I noticed it was troy, he looked at me as if I was going crazy then picked himself up"What's going on with you and Sam and why did he push me to the floor and just ran off like that? " he asked looking at me.

"I'm sorry troy but there is no time to explain just come with me please Sam's in trouble" with that he nodded curiously, and we both ran off into the woods.

There was some trace Sam left behind so it was very easy for us to track him down, troy held the torch while I searched for the path trough the bushes, finally we came upon a cave in the middle of god knows where. It looked dark and creepy and the stench coming from inside made my head feel dizzy.

I looked down and saw foot prints leading inside, so I took hold of Troy's arm, and we both walked in.

It was wet and nasty, water dripped down the side of cave. I felt so scared and I could see that Troy was too.

As we were walking along the path trough the cave I swear I could hear someone yelling for their life and I wasn't the only one who heard it because troy looked at me about the same time I looked at him then we both started running towards the scr...

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As we were walking along the path trough the cave I swear I could hear someone yelling for their life and I wasn't the only one who heard it because troy looked at me about the same time I looked at him then we both started running towards the screams.

We both came to a rock in the middle of the cave . The rock was different from any I've ever saw, it was as red as blood and the water running down the sides were pinkish blue.

I could hear the screams coming from the other side of the rock, so I let go of troy and made my way around to find out who it was. What I found made the hairs on my body stand still.

Sam was standing over a lady holding a knife in his right hand, but what shocked me the most was that the lady on the ground looked exactly the same as me, she had the same hair, eyes, nose etc.

"Sam!!" I yet as loud as I could. This cause him to stop and look down at me.

Suddenly the lady disappeared and Sam was no Longer on the rock, troy looked at me with a "let's get the hell out of here look" but knowing me I didn't listen, And just as I was about to turn around my eyes came in contact with too big black eyes.

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