miss mogana

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Moya's pov

After leaving the burning house we ran home trough the forest so that we wouldn't get blame.

When we got home and was about to enter the house trough the back door I felt someone grab me from behind. Turning my eyes came into contact with Sam's.

“ What are you doing down here?” I asked while hugging him around the neck. “ The cops were here, it seems that they've received a prank call about your house being on fire”.

With those words my arms slowly dropped to my side as I looked at troy and Kim who were standing in the door way. I could see it in their eyes that we were thinking the same thing.

“How could the house still be standing after we saw it burnt to the ground?” Kim asked while hugging troy.

It was late and everyone was sleepy. Thinking about the house and everything I just kissed Sam and walked up to my room.
It was soon midnight and I still couldn't sleep, that's when I heard it.

It was as if someone was running outside my door, everyone was asleep so it couldn't be them I thought to myself while getting up out of bed.

The house was dark and cold, so I took a blanket from my bag and grabbed the torch that I hide under my pillow. Slowly I push the door open revealing a dark hall way.

That's when I noticed a light at the end of the stairs, I looked closely and saw that it was a lady hurrying down the stairs, she had a candle holder in her left hand, her black shiny hair blew back and forth as she ran down the stairs.

I fallowed behind her hoping I wouldn't get caught. I watched as she walked into the kitchen it seems as if she was in some kind of hurry. She took up a knife and wiped it across her right hand, blood began to flow down her white dress.

Suddenly she turned and her eyes came in contact with mine. Her eyes because pitch black as she stared deep into my soul.

The room became full with the smell of rating meat.

“What do you want”!? I yelled while slowly backing away. She moved slowly towards me with her feet's lifting off the ground. I was about to run when I heard her whisper; “ come back home to us my child” in an audible tone.

She looked at her hand that was dripping blood and looked back up at me, “why so afraid now ? Miss Mogana will take good care of you “ those words sent shivers down my spines.

Just then Thompson appeared, he looked scared and in pain. Suddenly the entire house started to spin and miss Mogana just stood there watching Thompson as he moved towards me.
The lights began to flicker on and off. I crouched down and covered my ears with my hands to avoid the demonic laughter's that filled the room.

My eyes began to feel blurry and I became dizzy.

“ Stop it!!!!!” I yelled as I felt my body being pushed to the ground.

Just then Mogana walked over to me and spoke in a low and calm voice. “You're mine my child just like the others.”

With those words she vanished and so did Thompson. That's when I felt someone grabbing me and lifting me off the ground.

I looked up quickly and saw Sam bringing me up the stairs.

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